Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Del registracijos kitame saite

Parašė TDKileris· 2009 Rugs. 12 15:09:00

Sveiki nesuprantu bajerio man verkiant reikia uzsireginti i saita ir visiems mano draugams ir manmeta ta pati **** tipo paswordai incorrect ar kazkas tokio webas kuriame bandau uzsireginti yra sitas
http://www.wallpaperscript.org pabandykit gal kam iseis uzsireginti? Busiu dekingas jei kas pasakys kas ten pewr nesamones vyksta

Parašė Deiviux.eu· 2009 Rugs. 12 17:09:33

Password must be between 6 and 30 characters long and must contain letters in mixed case

Naudok min. 6 raides ir didžiąsias/mažąsias t.y TdKileris1995 toks tiktų

Parašė TDKileris· 2009 Rugs. 12 17:09:57

labai didelis dekui Deiviux +;) tau

Parašė TDKileris· 2009 Rugs. 12 18:09:20

ir dar prie to paties klausima turiu kurioje cia vietoje rasyti tuos duomenis ?
$dbhost = ''; // your mysql hostname name or ip address - NOTE: Usually its 'localhost'
$dbuser = ''; // the login user of the database
$dbpasswd = ''; // the password of the login user
$dbname = ''; // the database name

// your website absolute url: example: http://www.wallpaperama.com/  - WARNING: be sure the path ends with a / at the end
$Gbl["ManualSiteUrl"] = '';

// your absolute script directory lacation; example: /home/oswallpaper/demo/ - WARNING: be sure the path ends with a / at the end
$Gbl["ManualWallpaperDir"] = '';

// enable mod rewrite urls. 0=disabled, 1=enabled for SEO Friendly URLS
$Gbl["ManualModRewrite"] = 0;

// Get a key from http://recaptcha.net/api/getkey
// to enable secured wallpaper comments
$publickey = "";
$privatekey = "";

STEP 2: give 777 permissions to all the files in the wallpapers/ directories

STEP 3: INSTALL OSWallpaper.sql

Congratulations, OSWallpaper is installed. no you can login as admin:
Default user:

Email: admin@wallpaperscript.org
Password: P@55word

cia kur reikia irasyti mysql ir kitus duomenis tai vietoje tu uzrasu ar irasyti i kabutes o ten istrinti?

Parašė Deiviux.eu· 2009 Rugs. 12 18:09:20

$dbhost = 'host'; // your mysql hostname name or ip address - NOTE: Usually its 'localhost'
$dbuser = 'root'; // the login user of the database
$dbpasswd = 'pass'; // the password of the login user
$dbname = 'lolas'; // the database name

Į kabutes ;)

Parašė TDKileris· 2009 Rugs. 12 18:09:35

o tenais kur cript directory tai /home/oswallpaper/demo/ cia kaip exapmle o realiai tai pvz /webas.com/ tokioje deretorijoje td bus nes i tokia susimeta failai,o daugiau kiap suprantu i ta configa nk rasyt ir nereik? nes tikrai pirma karta dirbu su tokiu instalu <idomiu>

Redagavo TDKileris· 2009 Rugs. 12 18:09:05