Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: del WEB_ROOT

Parašė FuturesF1re· 2009 Sau. 18 15:01:49

Sweiki instaliuoju viena tvs ir ten man reikia yrasyt Document Root (kitaip sakant WEB_ROOT), stai istrauka
 * This is the webpath of your website. Do not forget
 * to set this.  And please make sure to include a
 * trailing slash, DO NOT FORGET.
define("WEB_ROOT", "/change/me/");
$web_root = WEB_ROOT;
$http_check = substr($web_root, 0, 4);
if($http_check=="http") {
echo "Web Root must be your Document root";

ka man ten rasyt kur /change/me/

Redagavo FuturesF1re· 2009 Sau. 18 15:01:26