Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Error, parašius ar trinant komentarą.

Parašė Mandello· 2011 Geg. 28 14:05:50

Sveiki forumiečiai iškilo čia bėda su komentavimu. Esu sukūręs filmų svetainę, tačiau kai parašomas komentaras meta errorą ir ištampo visą svetainę.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/cszona/domains/efilmas.mes/public_html/news.php:1) in /home/cszona/domains/efilmas.mes/public_html/maincore.php on line 269

Tą patį errorą meta ir tuomet kai bandau ištrinti komentarą, gal kas žinot kame čia kur reikalas?

Parašė lasin· 2011 Geg. 28 14:05:04

Gal naudoji koki komentaru moda?

Parašė Mandello· 2011 Geg. 28 14:05:05

Na čia tas modas su visa filmų sistema surištas yra.

Parašė Almanachas· 2011 Geg. 28 15:05:08

Įmesk php kodą: maincore.php .

Parašė Mandello· 2011 Geg. 28 15:05:16

if (preg_match("/maincore.php/i", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { die(); }


// Calculate script start/end time
function get_microtime() {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);

// Define script start time
define("START_TIME", get_microtime());

// Prevent any possible XSS attacks via $_GET.
if (stripget($_GET)) {
die("Prevented a XSS attack through a GET variable!");

// Start Output Buffering
//ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); //Uncomment this line and comment the one below to enable output compression.

// Locate 4dSadFe55ffsSAEfghthfg5fFd.php and set the basedir path
$folder_level = ""; $i = 0;
while (!file_exists($folder_level."4dSadFe55ffsSAEfghthfg5fFd.php")) {
$folder_level .= "../"; $i++;
if ($i == 7) { die("Config file not found"); }
require_once $folder_level."4dSadFe55ffsSAEfghthfg5fFd.php";
define("BASEDIR", $folder_level);

// If 4dSadFe55ffsSAEfghthfg5fFd.php is empty, activate setup.php script
if (!isset($db_name)) { redirect("setup.php"); }

// Multisite definitions
require_once BASEDIR."includes/multisite_include.php";

// Establish mySQL database connection
$link = dbconnect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name);

// MySQL Count and debug
$mysql_queries_count = 0; $mysql_queries_time = array();

// Fetch the Site Settings from the database and store them in the $settings variable
$settings = array();
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_SETTINGS);
if (dbrows($result)) {
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
$settings[$data['settings_name']] = $data['settings_value'];
} else {
die("Settings do not exist, please run setup again");

// Sanitise $_SERVER globals
$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = cleanurl($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? cleanurl($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) : "";
$PHP_SELF = cleanurl($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
// Common definitions
define("IN_FUSION", TRUE);
define("FUSION_SELF", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
define("QUOTES_GPC", (ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') ? TRUE : FALSE));
// Path definitions
define("ADMIN", BASEDIR."administration/");
define("DOWNLOADS", BASEDIR."downloads/");
define("IMAGES", BASEDIR."images/");
define("IMAGES_A", IMAGES."articles/");
define("IMAGES_N", IMAGES."news/");
define("IMAGES_N_T", IMAGES."news/thumbs/");
define("IMAGES_NC", IMAGES."news_cats/");
define("RANKS", IMAGES."ranks/");
define("INCLUDES", BASEDIR."includes/");
define("LOCALE", BASEDIR."locale/");
define("LOCALESET", $settings['locale']."/");
define("FORUM", BASEDIR."forum/");
define("INFUSIONS", BASEDIR."infusions/");
define("PHOTOS", IMAGES."photoalbum/");
define("THEMES", BASEDIR."themes/");

// Redirects to the index if the URL is invalid (eg. file.php/folder/)
if ($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] != $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) { redirect($settings['siteurl']); }

// Predefine mysql_cache variables
$smiley_cache = ""; $bbcode_cache = ""; $groups_cache = ""; $forum_rank_cache = ""; $forum_mod_rank_cache = "";

// MySQL database functions
function dbquery($query) {
global $mysql_queries_count, $mysql_queries_time; $mysql_queries_count++;

$query_time = get_microtime();
$result = @mysql_query($query);
$query_time = substr((get_microtime() - $query_time),0,7);

$mysql_queries_time[$mysql_queries_count] = array($query_time, $query);

if (!$result) {
echo mysql_error();
return false;
} else {
return $result;

function dbcount($field, $table, $conditions = "") {
global $mysql_queries_count, $mysql_queries_time; $mysql_queries_count++;

$cond = ($conditions ? " WHERE ".$conditions : "");
$query_time = get_microtime();
$result = @mysql_query("SELECT Count".$field." FROM ".$table.$cond);
$query_time = substr((get_microtime() - $query_time),0,7);

$mysql_queries_time[$mysql_queries_count] = array($query_time, "SELECT COUNT".$field." FROM ".$table.$cond);

if (!$result) {
echo mysql_error();
return false;
} else {
$rows = mysql_result($result, 0);
return $rows;

function dbresult($query, $row) {
global $mysql_queries_count, $mysql_queries_time;

$query_time = get_microtime();
$result = @mysql_result($query, $row);
$query_time = substr((get_microtime() - $query_time),0,7);

$mysql_queries_time[$mysql_queries_count] = array($query_time, $query);

if (!$result) {
echo mysql_error();
return false;
} else {
return $result;

function dbrows($query) {
$result = @mysql_num_rows($query);
return $result;

function dbarray($query) {
$result = @mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
if (!$result) {
echo mysql_error();
return false;
} else {
return $result;

function dbarraynum($query) {
$result = @mysql_fetch_row($query);
if (!$result) {
echo mysql_error();
return false;
} else {
return $result;

function dbconnect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name) {
global $db_connect;

$db_connect = @mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass);
$db_select = @mysql_select_db($db_name);
if (!$db_connect) {
die("<div style='font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:center;'><strong>Unable to establish connection to MySQL</strong><br />".mysql_errno()." : ".mysql_error()."</div>");
} elseif (!$db_select) {
die("<div style='font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:center;'><strong>Unable to select MySQL database</strong><br />".mysql_errno()." : ".mysql_error()."</div>");

// Initialise the $locale array
$locale = array();

// Load the Global language file
include LOCALE.LOCALESET."global.php";

// Check if users full or partial ip is blacklisted
$sub_ip1 = substr(USER_IP, 0, strlen(USER_IP) - strlen(strrchr(USER_IP, ".")));
$sub_ip2 = substr($sub_ip1, 0, strlen($sub_ip1) - strlen(strrchr($sub_ip1, ".")));

if (dbcount("(blacklist_id)", DB_BLACKLIST, "blacklist_ip='".USER_IP."' OR blacklist_ip='$sub_ip1' OR blacklist_ip='$sub_ip2'")) {

// PHP-Fusion user cookie functions
if (!isset($_COOKIE[COOKIE_PREFIX.'visited'])) {
$result = dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_SETTINGS." SET settings_value=settings_value+1 WHERE settings_name='counter'");
setcookie(COOKIE_PREFIX."visited", "yes", time() + 31536000, "/", "", "0");

// Check that site or user theme exists
function theme_exists($theme) {
if (!file_exists(THEMES) || !is_dir(THEMES)) {
return false;
} elseif (file_exists(THEMES.$theme."/theme.php") && file_exists(THEMES.$theme."/styles.css")) {
define("THEME", THEMES.$theme."/");
return true;
} else {
$dh = opendir(THEMES);
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($dh))) {
if ($entry != "." && $entry != ".." && is_dir(THEMES.$entry)) {
if (file_exists(THEMES.$entry."/theme.php") && file_exists(THEMES.$entry."/styles.css")) {
define("THEME", THEMES.$entry."/");
return true;
if (!defined("THEME")) {
return false;

// Call the required login method
if ($settings['login_method'] == "cookies") {
} elseif ($settings['login_method'] == "sessions") {

// Set the admin password when needed
function set_admin_pass($password) {
global $settings, $userdata;
if ($settings['login_method'] == "cookies") {
if (!isset($_COOKIE[COOKIE_PREFIX.'admin']) && md5(md5($password)) == $userdata['user_admin_password']) {
setcookie(COOKIE_PREFIX."admin", md5($password), time() + 3600, "/", "", "0");
} elseif ($settings['login_method'] == "sessions") {
if (!isset($_SESSION[COOKIE_PREFIX.'admin']) && md5(md5($password)) == $userdata['user_admin_password']) {
$_SESSION[COOKIE_PREFIX.'admin'] = md5($password);

// Check if admin password matches userdata
function check_admin_pass($password) {
global $settings, $userdata;
if ($settings['login_method'] == "cookies") {
if ((isset($_COOKIE[COOKIE_PREFIX.'admin']) && md5($_COOKIE[COOKIE_PREFIX.'admin']) == $userdata['user_admin_password']) || (md5(md5($password)) == $userdata['user_admin_password'])) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} elseif ($settings['login_method'] == "sessions") {
if ((isset($_SESSION[COOKIE_PREFIX.'admin']) && md5($_SESSION[COOKIE_PREFIX.'admin']) == $userdata['user_admin_password']) || (md5(md5($password)) == $userdata['user_admin_password'])) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

// Redirect browser using header or script function
function redirect($location, $script = false) {
if (!$script) {
header("Location: ".str_replace("&amp;", "&", $location));
} else {
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>document.location.href='".str_replace("&amp;", "&", $location)."'</script>\n";

// Clean URL Function, prevents entities in server globals
function cleanurl($url) {
$bad_entities = array("&", "\"", "'", '\"', "\'", "<", ">", "(", ")", "*");
$safe_entities = array("&amp;", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
$url = str_replace($bad_entities, $safe_entities, $url);
return $url;

// Strip Input Function, prevents HTML in unwanted places
function stripinput($text) {
if (!is_array($text)) {
if (QUOTES_GPC) $text = stripslashes($text);
$search = array("&", "\"", "'", "\\", '\"', "\'", "<", ">", "&nbsp;");
$replace = array("&amp;", "&quot;", "'", "\", "&quot;", "'", "&lt;", "&gt;", " ");
$text = str_replace($search, $replace, $text);
} else {
while (list($key, $value) = each($text)) {
$text[$key] = stripinput($value);
return $text;

// Prevent any possible XSS attacks via $_GET.
function stripget($check_url) {
$return = false;
if (is_array($check_url)) {
foreach ($check_url as $value) {
$return = stripget($value);
if ($return == true) { return true; }
} else {
$check_url = str_replace("\"", "", $check_url);
$check_url = str_replace("\'", "", $check_url);
if ((preg_match("/<[^>]*script*\"?[^>]*>/i", $check_url)) || (preg_match("/<[^>]*object*\"?[^>]*>/i", $check_url)) ||
(preg_match("/<[^>]*iframe*\"?[^>]*>/i", $check_url)) || (preg_match("/<[^>]*applet*\"?[^>]*>/i", $check_url)) ||
(preg_match("/<[^>]*meta*\"?[^>]*>/i", $check_url)) || (preg_match("/<[^>]*style*\"?[^>]*>/i", $check_url)) ||
(preg_match("/<[^>]*form*\"?[^>]*>/i", $check_url)) || (preg_match("/\([^>]*\"?[^)]*\)/i", $check_url))) {
$return = true;
return $return;

// Strip Slash Function, only stripslashes if magic_quotes_gpc is on
function stripslash($text) {
if (QUOTES_GPC) { $text = stripslashes($text); }
return $text;

// Add Slash Function, add correct number of slashes depending on quotes_gpc
function addslash($text) {
if (!QUOTES_GPC) {
$text = addslashes(addslashes($text));
} else {
$text = addslashes($text);
return $text;

// htmlentities is too agressive so we use this function
function phpentities($text) {
$search = array("&", "\"", "'", "\\", "<", ">");
$replace = array("&amp;", "&quot;", "'", "\", "&lt;", "&gt;");
$text = str_replace($search, $replace, $text);
return $text;

// Trim a line of text to a preferred length
function trimlink($text, $length) {
$dec = array("&", "\"", "'", "\\", '\"', "\'", "<", ">");
$enc = array("&amp;", "&quot;", "'", "\", "&quot;", "'", "&lt;", "&gt;");
$text = str_replace($enc, $dec, $text);
if (strlen($text) > $length) $text = substr($text, 0, ($length-3))."...";
$text = str_replace($dec, $enc, $text);
return $text;

// Validate numeric input
function isnum($value) {
if (!is_array($value)) {
return (preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $value));
} else {
return false;

// Custom preg-match function
function preg_check($expression, $value) {
if (!is_array($value)) {
return preg_match($expression, $value);
} else {
return false;

// Cache smileys mysql
function cache_smileys() {
global $smiley_cache;
$result = dbquery("SELECT smiley_code, smiley_image, smiley_text FROM ".DB_SMILEYS);
if (dbrows($result)) {
$smiley_cache = array();
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
$smiley_cache[] = array(
"smiley_code" => $data['smiley_code'],
"smiley_image" => $data['smiley_image'],
"smiley_text" => $data['smiley_text']
} else {
$smiley_cache = array();

// Parse smiley bbcode
function parsesmileys($message) {
global $smiley_cache;
if (!preg_match("#(\[code\](.*?)\[/code\]|\[geshi=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/geshi\]|\[php\](.*?)\[/php\])#si", $message)) {
if (!$smiley_cache) { cache_smileys(); }
if (is_array($smiley_cache) && count($smiley_cache)) {
foreach ($smiley_cache as $smiley) {
$smiley_code = preg_quote($smiley['smiley_code'], '#');
$smiley_image = "<img src='".get_image("smiley_".$smiley['smiley_text'])."' alt='".$smiley['smiley_text']."' style='vertical-align:middle;' />";
$message = preg_replace("#{$smiley_code}#si", $smiley_image, $message);
return $message;

// Show smiley icons in comments, forum and other post pages
function displaysmileys($textarea, $form = "inputform") {
global $smiley_cache;
$smileys = ""; $i = 0;
if (!$smiley_cache) { cache_smileys(); }
if (is_array($smiley_cache) && count($smiley_cache)) {
foreach ($smiley_cache as $smiley) {
if ($i != 0 && ($i % 10 == 0)) { $smileys .= "<br />\n"; $i++; }
$smileys .= "<img src='".get_image("smiley_".$smiley['smiley_text'])."' alt='".$smiley['smiley_text']."' onclick=\"insertText('".$textarea."', '".$smiley['smiley_code']."', '".$form."');\" />\n";
return $smileys;

// Cache bbcode mysql
function cache_bbcode() {
global $bbcode_cache;
$result = dbquery("SELECT bbcode_name FROM ".DB_BBCODES." ORDER BY bbcode_order ASC");
if (dbrows($result)) {
$bbcode_cache = array();
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
$bbcode_cache[] = $data['bbcode_name'];
} else {
$bbcode_cache = array();

// Parse bbcode
function parseubb($text, $selected = false) {
global $bbcode_cache;
if (!$bbcode_cache) { cache_bbcode(); }
if (is_array($bbcode_cache) && count($bbcode_cache)) {
if ($selected) { $sel_bbcodes = explode("|", $selected); }
foreach ($bbcode_cache as $bbcode) {
if ($selected && in_array($bbcode, $sel_bbcodes)) {
if (file_exists(INCLUDES."bbcodes/".$bbcode."_bbcode_include.php")) {
if (file_exists(LOCALE.LOCALESET."bbcodes/".$bbcode.".php")) {
include (LOCALE.LOCALESET."bbcodes/".$bbcode.".php");
} elseif (file_exists(LOCALE."English/bbcodes/".$bbcode.".php")) {
include (LOCALE."English/bbcodes/".$bbcode.".php");
include (INCLUDES."bbcodes/".$bbcode."_bbcode_include.php");
} elseif (!$selected) {
if (file_exists(INCLUDES."bbcodes/".$bbcode."_bbcode_include.php")) {
if (file_exists(LOCALE.LOCALESET."bbcodes/".$bbcode.".php")) {
include (LOCALE.LOCALESET."bbcodes/".$bbcode.".php");
} elseif (file_exists(LOCALE."English/bbcodes/".$bbcode.".php")) {
include (LOCALE."English/bbcodes/".$bbcode.".php");
include (INCLUDES."bbcodes/".$bbcode."_bbcode_include.php");
$text = descript($text, false);
return $text;

// Javascript email encoder by Tyler Akins
// http://rumkin.com/tools/mailto_e...
function hide_email($email, $title = "", $subject = "") {
if (strpos($email, "@")) {
$parts = explode("@", $email);
$MailLink = "<a href='mailto:".$parts[0]."@".$parts[1];
if ($subject != "") { $MailLink .= "?subject=".urlencode($subject); }
$MailLink .= "'>".($title?$title:$parts[0]."@".$parts[1])."</a>";
$MailLetters = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($MailLink); $i++) {
$l = substr($MailLink, $i, 1);
if (strpos($MailLetters, $l) === false) {
$p = rand(0, strlen($MailLetters));
$MailLetters = substr($MailLetters, 0, $p).$l.substr($MailLetters, $p, strlen($MailLetters));
$MailLettersEnc = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $MailLetters);
$MailLettersEnc = str_replace("\"", "\\\"", $MailLettersEnc);
$MailIndexes = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($MailLink); $i ++) {
$index = strpos($MailLetters, substr($MailLink, $i, 1));
$index += 48;
$MailIndexes .= chr($index);
$MailIndexes = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $MailIndexes);
$MailIndexes = str_replace("\"", "\\\"", $MailIndexes);

$res = "<script type='text/javascript'>";
$res .= "ML=\"".str_replace("<", "xxxx", $MailLettersEnc)."\";";
$res .= "MI=\"".str_replace("<", "xxxx", $MailIndexes)."\";";
$res .= "ML=ML.replace(/xxxx/g, '<');";
$res .= "MI=MI.replace(/xxxx/g, '<');"; $res .= "OT=\"\";";
$res .= "for(j=0;j < MI.length;j++){";
$res .= "OT+=ML.charAt(MI.charCodeAt(j)-48);";
$res .= "}document.write(OT);";
$res .= "</script>";

return $res;
} else {
return $email;

// Format spaces and tabs in code bb tags
function formatcode($text) {
$text = str_replace(" ", "&nbsp; ", $text);
$text = str_replace(" ", " &nbsp;", $text);
$text = str_replace("\t", "&nbsp; &nbsp;", $text);
$text = preg_replace("/^ {1}/m", "&nbsp;", $text);
return $text;

// Highlights given words in subject
function highlight_words($word, $subject) {
for($i = 0, $l = count($word); $i < $l; $i++) {
$word[$i] = str_replace(array("\\", "+", "*", "?", "[", "^", "]", "$", "(", ")", "{", "}", "=", "!", "<", ">", "|", ":", "#", "-", "_"), "", $word[$i]);
if (!empty($word[$i])) {
$subject = preg_replace("/($word[$i])(?![^<]*>)/i", "<span style='background-color:yellow;color:#333;font-weight:bold;padding-left:2px;padding-right:2px'>\${1}</span>", $subject);
return $subject;

// This function sanitises news & article submissions
function descript($text, $striptags = true) {
// Convert problematic ascii characters to their true values
$search = array("40","41","58","65","66","67","68","69","70",
$replace = array("(",")",":","a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h",
$entities = count($search);
for ($i=0; $i < $entities; $i++) {
$text = preg_replace("#(&\#)(0*".$search[$i]."+);*#si", $replace[$i], $text);
$text = preg_replace('#(&\#x)([0-9A-F]+);*#si', "", $text);
$text = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+[/\"\'\s])(onmouseover|onmousedown|onmouseup|onmouseout|onmousemove|onclick|ondblclick|onfocus|onload|xmlns)[^>]*>#iU', ">", $text);
$text = preg_replace('#([a-z]*)=([\`\'\"]*)script:#iU', '$1=$2nojscript...', $text);
$text = preg_replace('#([a-z]*)=([\`\'\"]*)javascript:#iU', '$1=$2nojavascript...', $text);
$text = preg_replace('#([a-z]*)=([\'\"]*)vbscript:#iU', '$1=$2novbscript...', $text);
$text = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+)style=([\`\'\"]*).*expression\([^>]*>#iU', "$1>", $text);
$text = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+)style=([\`\'\"]*).*behaviour\([^>]*>#iU', "$1>", $text);
if ($striptags) {
do {
$thistext = $text;
$text = preg_replace('#</*(applet|meta|xml|blink|link|style|script|embed|object|iframe|frame|frameset|ilayer|layer|bgsound|title|base)[^>]*>#i', "", $text);
} while ($thistext != $text);
return $text;

// Scan image files for malicious code
function verify_image($file) {
$txt = file_get_contents($file);
$image_safe = true;
if (preg_match('#&(quot|lt|gt|nbsp|<?php);#i', $txt)) { $image_safe = false; }
elseif (preg_match("#&\#x([0-9a-f]+);#i", $txt)) { $image_safe = false; }
elseif (preg_match('#&\#([0-9]+);#i', $txt)) { $image_safe = false; }
elseif (preg_match("#([a-z]*)=([\`\'\"]*)script:#iU", $txt)) { $image_safe = false; }
elseif (preg_match("#([a-z]*)=([\`\'\"]*)javascript:#iU", $txt)) { $image_safe = false; }
elseif (preg_match("#([a-z]*)=([\'\"]*)vbscript:#iU", $txt)) { $image_safe = false; }
elseif (preg_match("#(<[^>]+)style=([\`\'\"]*).*expression\([^>]*>#iU", $txt)) { $image_safe = false; }
elseif (preg_match("#(<[^>]+)style=([\`\'\"]*).*behaviour\([^>]*>#iU", $txt)) { $image_safe = false; }
elseif (preg_match("#</*(applet|link|style|script|iframe|frame|frameset)[^>]*>#i", $txt)) { $image_safe = false; }
return $image_safe;

// Replace offensive words with the defined replacement word
function censorwords($text) {
global $settings;
if ($settings['bad_words_enabled'] == "1" && $settings['bad_words'] != "" ) {
$word_list = explode("\r\n", $settings['bad_words']);
for ($i=0; $i < count($word_list); $i++) {
if ($word_list[$i] != "") $text = preg_replace("/".$word_list[$i]."/si", $settings['bad_word_replace'], $text);
return $text;

// Display the user's level
function getuserlevel($userlevel) {
global $locale;
if ($userlevel == 101) { return $locale['user1'];
} elseif ($userlevel == 102) { return $locale['user2'];
} elseif ($userlevel == 103) { return $locale['user3']; }

// Check if Administrator has correct rights assigned
function checkrights($right) {
if (iADMIN && in_array($right, explode(".", iUSER_RIGHTS))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

// Check if user is assigned to the specified user group
function checkgroup($group) {
if (iSUPERADMIN) { return true; }
elseif (iADMIN && ($group == "0" || $group == "101" || $group == "102")) { return true;
} elseif (iMEMBER && ($group == "0" || $group == "101")) { return true;
} elseif (iGUEST && $group == "0") { return true;
} elseif (iMEMBER && in_array($group, explode(".", iUSER_GROUPS))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

// Cache groups mysql
function cache_groups() {
global $groups_cache;
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_USER_GROUPS." ORDER BY group_id ASC");
if (dbrows($result)) {
$groups_cache = array();
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
$groups_cache[] = $data;
} else {
$groups_cache = array();

// Compile access levels & user group array
function getusergroups() {
global $locale, $groups_cache;
$groups_array = array(
array("0", $locale['user0']),
array("101", $locale['user1']),
array("102", $locale['user2']),
array("103", $locale['user3'])
if (!$groups_cache) { cache_groups(); }
if (is_array($groups_cache) && count($groups_cache)) {
foreach ($groups_cache as $group) {
array_push($groups_array, array($group['group_id'], $group['group_name']));
return $groups_array;

// Get the name of the access level or user group
function getgroupname($group_id, $return_desc = false) {
global $locale, $groups_cache;
if ($group_id == "0") { return $locale['user0'];
} elseif ($group_id == "101") { return $locale['user1']; exit;
} elseif ($group_id == "102") { return $locale['user2']; exit;
} elseif ($group_id == "103") { return $locale['user3']; exit;
} else {
if (!$groups_cache) { cache_groups(); }
if (is_array($groups_cache) && count($groups_cache)) {
foreach ($groups_cache as $group) {
if ($group_id == $group['group_id']) { return ($return_desc ? ($group['group_description'] ? $group['group_description'] : '-') : $group['group_name']); exit; }
return $locale['user_na'];

// Getting the access levels used when asking the database for data
function groupaccess($field) {
if (iGUEST) { return "$field = '0'";
} elseif (iSUPERADMIN) { return "1 = 1";
} elseif (iADMIN) { $res = "($field='0' OR $field='101' OR $field='102'";
} elseif (iMEMBER) { $res = "($field='0' OR $field='101'";
if (iUSER_GROUPS != "" && !iSUPERADMIN) { $res .= " OR $field='".str_replace(".", "' OR $field='", iUSER_GROUPS)."'"; }
$res .= ")";
return $res;

// Create a list of files or folders and store them in an array
// You may filter out extensions by adding them to $extfilter as:
// $ext_filter = "gif|jpg"
function makefilelist($folder, $filter, $sort = true, $type = "files", $ext_filter = "") {
$res = array();
$filter = explode("|", $filter);
if ($type == "files" && !empty($ext_filter)) {
$ext_filter = explode("|", strtolower($ext_filter));
$temp = opendir($folder);
while ($file = readdir($temp)) {
if ($type == "files" && !in_array($file, $filter)) {
if (!empty($ext_filter)) {
if (!in_array(substr(strtolower(stristr($file, '.')), +1), $ext_filter) && !is_dir($folder.$file)) { $res[] = $file; }
} else {
if (!is_dir($folder.$file)) { $res[] = $file; }
} elseif ($type == "folders" && !in_array($file, $filter)) {
if (is_dir($folder.$file)) { $res[] = $file; }
if ($sort) { sort($res); }
return $res;

// Create a selection list from an array created by makefilelist()
function makefileopts($files, $selected = "") {
$res = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) {
$sel = ($selected == $files[$i] ? " selected='selected'" : "");
$res .= "<option value='".$files[$i]."'$sel>".$files[$i]."</option>\n";
return $res;

// Making Page Navigation
function makepagenav($start, $count, $total, $range = 0, $link = "") {
global $locale;

if ($link == "") { $link = FUSION_SELF."?"; }

$pg_cnt = ceil($total / $count);
if ($pg_cnt <= 1) { return ""; }

$idx_back = $start - $count;
$idx_next = $start + $count;
$cur_page = ceil(($start + 1) / $count);

$res = $locale['global_092']." ".$cur_page.$locale['global_093'].$pg_cnt.": ";
if ($idx_back >= 0) {
if ($cur_page > ($range + 1)) {
$res .= "<a href='".$link."rowstart=0'>1</a>";
if ($cur_page != ($range + 2)) {
$res .= "...";
$idx_fst = max($cur_page - $range, 1);
$idx_lst = min($cur_page + $range, $pg_cnt);
if ($range == 0) {
$idx_fst = 1;
$idx_lst = $pg_cnt;
for ($i = $idx_fst; $i <= $idx_lst; $i++) {
$offset_page = ($i - 1) * $count;
if ($i == $cur_page) {
$res .= "<span><strong>".$i."</strong></span>";
} else {
$res .= "<a href='".$link."rowstart=".$offset_page."'>".$i."</a>";
if ($idx_next < $total) {
if ($cur_page < ($pg_cnt - $range)) {
if ($cur_page != ($pg_cnt - $range - 1)) {
$res .= "...";
$res .= "<a href='".$link."rowstart=".($pg_cnt - 1) * $count."'>".$pg_cnt."</a>\n";

return "<div class='pagenav'>\n".$res."</div>\n";

// Format the date & time accordingly
function showdate($format, $val) {
global $settings, $userdata;
if (isset($userdata['user_offset'])) {
$offset = $userdata['user_offset']+$settings['serveroffset'];
} else {
$offset = $settings['timeoffset']+$settings['serveroffset'];
if ($format == "shortdate" || $format == "longdate" || $format == "forumdate" || $format == "newsdate") {
return strftime($settings[$format], $val + ($offset * 3600));
} else {
return strftime($format, $val + ($offset * 3600));

// Translate bytes into kB, MB, GB or TB by CrappoMan, lelebart fix
function parsebytesize($size, $digits = 2, $dir = false) {
global $locale;
$kb = 1024; $mb = 1024 * $kb; $gb= 1024 * $mb; $tb = 1024 * $gb;
if (($size == 0) && ($dir)) { return $locale['global_460']; }
elseif ($size < $kb) { return $size.$locale['global_461']; }
elseif ($size < $mb) { return round($size / $kb,$digits).$locale['global_462']; }
elseif ($size < $gb) { return round($size / $mb,$digits).$locale['global_463']; }
elseif ($size < $tb) { return round($size / $gb,$digits).$locale['global_464']; }
else { return round($size / $tb, $digits).$locale['global_465']; }

// User profile link
function profile_link($user_id, $user_name, $user_status, $class = "profile-link") {
global $locale, $settings;

$class = ($class ? " class='$class'" : "");

if ((in_array($user_status, array(0, 3, 7)) || checkrights("M")) && (iMEMBER || $settings['hide_userprofiles'] == "0")) {
$link = "<a href='".seolink($user_name, "u", $user_id)."'$class>$user_name</a>";
} elseif ($user_status == "5" || $user_status == "6") {
$link = $locale['user_anonymous'];
} else {
$link = $user_name;

return $link;

// User level, Admin Rights & User Group definitions
define("iGUEST", $userdata['user_level'] == 0 ? 1 : 0);
define("iMEMBER", $userdata['user_level'] >= 101 ? 1 : 0);
define("iADMIN", $userdata['user_level'] >= 102 ? 1 : 0);
define("iSUPERADMIN", $userdata['user_level'] == 103 ? 1 : 0);
define("iUSER", $userdata['user_level']);
define("iUSER_RIGHTS", $userdata['user_rights']);
define("iUSER_GROUPS", substr($userdata['user_groups'], 1));

if (iADMIN) {
define("iAUTH", substr(md5($userdata['user_password'].USER_IP), 16, 32));
$aidlink = "?aid=".iAUTH;

include INCLUDES."system_images.php";

// SEO (by Ban-LT)
define("GLOBAL_SITENAME", " EFILMAS - Naujausi ir populeriausi filmai internete!");

// SEO functions
// Function for SEO text
function seotext($text) {
// if UTF
$text = decode($text);

# LT Char Lists
$lt2html = array(
"à" => "ą",
"À" => "Ą",
"è" => "č",
"È" => "Č",
"æ" => "ę",
"Æ" => "Ę",
"ë" => "ė",
"Ë" => "Ė",
"á" => "į",
"Á" => "Į",
"ð" => "š",
"Ð" => "Š",
"ø" => "ų",
"Ø" => "Ų",
"û" => "ū",
"Û" => "Ū",
"þ" => "ž",
"Þ" => "Ž"

$latin2html = array(
"a" => "ą",
"A" => "Ą",
"c" => "č",
"C" => "Č",
"e" => "ę",
"E" => "Ę",
"i" => "į",
"I" => "Į",
"s" => "š",
"S" => "Š",
"u" => "ų",
"U" => "Ų",
"z" => "ž",
"Z" => "Ž"

$latin2html2 = array(
"e" => "ė",
"E" => "Ė",
"u" => "ū",
"U" => "Ū",

# LT => HTML
foreach ($lt2html as $lt => $html) {
$text = str_replace($lt, $html, $text);
unset($lt, $html);

foreach ($latin2html as $latin => $html) {
$text = str_replace($html, $latin, $text);
unset($latin, $html);

# LT => LATIN2
foreach ($latin2html2 as $latin => $html) {
$text = str_replace($html, $latin, $text);
unset($latin, $html);

$html_spec = array("&amp;", "&quot;", "'", "\", "&quot;", "'", "&lt;", "&gt;");
$html_decspec = "";

$text = str_replace($html_spec, $html_decspec, $text);

$text = strtolower($text);
$text = preg_replace('/[^A-z0-9-_\.]/', ' ', $text);
$text = trim($text);
$text = preg_replace('/[\s\^\`]+/', "-", $text);

return $text;

// SEO link
function seolink($text, $prefix, $id, $dir = BASEDIR, $ex = ".html") {
return $dir.seotext($text)."-".$prefix.$id.$ex;

function decode($string) {
if (!ereg("[\200-\237]", $string) and !ereg("[\241-\377]", $string)) return $string;

$string = preg_replace(
"'&#'.((ord('\\1')-224)*4096 + (ord('\\2')-128)*64 + (ord('\\3')-128)).';'",
$string = preg_replace(

return $string;
if (preg_match("/^(.*)((.*)union(.*)|(.*)select(.*)from(.*)|(.*)drop(.*)|(.*)truncate(.*)|(.*)delete(.*)from(.*))+$/i",FUSION_QUERY)) {

$msg_subject = "Laužimosi atvejis";

$message = "Lankytojas, naudojantis ".USER_IP." IP adresa (".gethostbyaddr(USER_IP)."), megino ivykdyti kenksminga SQL užklausa tokiu metu: ".showdate("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time()).".\n\nUžklausa: ".htmlspecialchars(FUSION_QUERY);

$die_msg = "<center><big><big><b>Laužimosi atvejis!!!</b></big></big><br>\n<font color='#ff0000'>Apie jusu meginima isilaužti buvo ka tik pranešta administracijai</font></center>";

$result = dbquery("INSERT INTO ".DB_PREFIX."messages (message_to, message_from, message_subject, message_message, message_smileys, message_read, message_datestamp, message_folder) VALUES ('1', '1', '$msg_subject', '$message', 'y', '0', '".time()."', '0');");


if (iMEMBER && $userdata['user_vip'] > time()) { define('VIP', true); } else { define('VIP', false); }
function checkvip($user_id) {$result=dbquery("SELECT user_vip FROM ".DB_PREFIX."users WHERE user_id='{$user_id}' AND user_vip > ".time());
if (dbrows($result)) {return true;}else{return false;}}
$vip=dbarray(dbquery("SELECT vip_time FROM ".DB_PREFIX."vip"));