Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Fusion uzrasai

Parašė HitmanBM· 2009 Lap. 17 21:11:57

Noriu paklausti kaip istrinti apacioje kur rasoma powered by PHP-Fusion ir t.t nu tiesiog nenoriu kad jis ten butu.

Parašė MAnjack· 2009 Lap. 17 21:11:32

Negalima. Pažeisti autorines teises.

Parašė Juliuošius· 2009 Lap. 17 21:11:08

theme.php faile rasi pagrindinės temos faile ten pamatysi tuos užrašus nutrink :)

Parašė HitmanBM· 2009 Lap. 17 21:11:04

ta prasme? :D aiskiau paaiskink : ten kataloge themes>esama tema>theme.php sitame faile?

Parašė TDKileris· 2009 Lap. 17 22:11:04

jo themes.php faile yra
| PHP-Fusion 6 - Content Management System    |
| author: Nick Jones (Digitanium) © 2002-2005 |
| web: http://www.php-fusion.co.uk            |
| email: nick@php-fusion.co.uk                |
| Released under the terms and conditions of  |
| the GNU General Public License (Version 2)  |
|      Milestone Theme for PHP-Fusion v6      |
| author: PHP-Fusion Themes - Shedrock © 2005 |
| web: http://phpfusion.org                   |
| email: webmaster@phpfusion.org              |
| Released under the terms and conditions of  |
| the GNU General Public License (Version 2)  |
if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { header("Location: ../../index.php"); exit; }
require_once INCLUDES."theme_functions_include.php";

// theme settings
$body_text = "#000000";
$body_bg = "#FFFFFF";
$theme_width = "100%";
$theme_width_l = "170";
$theme_width_r = "170";

function render_header($header_content) {
global $theme_width,$settings;
   echo "<table align='center' style='background-image:url(".THEME."images/header-center.gif)' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='$theme_width'>";
   echo "<tr><td width='15'><img src='".THEME."images/header-left.gif' width='22' height='82'></td>";
   // Start banner code
   echo "<td width='100%' class='header-center'>";
   echo "<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>";
   echo "<tr><td>$header_content</td></tr>";
   echo "</table></td>";
   // End banner code
   echo "<td width='15'><img src='".THEME."images/header-right.gif' width='22' height='82'></td></tr></table>\n";
   echo "<img src='".THEME."images/pixel.gif' height='5'>";
   echo "<table align='center' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='$theme_width'>";
   echo "<tr><td width='42'><img src='".THEME."images/nav-left.gif' width='16' height='26'></td>";
   echo "<td width='75%' style='background-image:url(".THEME."images/nav-center.gif)'>";
   echo showsublinks("&middot;")."</td>";
   echo "<td align='right' width='25%' style='background-image:url(".THEME."images/nav-center.gif)'>";
   echo showsubdate()."</td>";
   echo "<td width='42'><img src='".THEME."images/nav-right.gif' width='16' height='26'></td></tr></table>";
   echo "<table align='center' width='$theme_width' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>\n<tr>\n";

function render_footer($license=false) {
global $theme_width,$locale,$settings;

   echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
   echo "<table align='center' width='$theme_width' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr>";
   echo "<td class='header'>".stripslashes($settings['footer'])."</td></tr></table>\n";
   echo "<table align='center' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='$theme_width'>";
   echo "<tr><td width='15'><img src='".THEME."images/nav-left.gif' width='16' height='26'></td>";
   echo "<td class='copyright' align='left' width='38%' style='background-image:url(".THEME."images/nav-center.gif)'>";
   if ($license == false) {
      echo "Powered by <a href='http://www.php-fusion.co.uk' target='_blank'>PHP-Fusion</a> &copy; 2003-2006";
   echo "</td>";
   echo "<td class='copyright' align='center' width='24%' style='background-image:url(".THEME."images/nav-center.gif)'>Milestone Theme by: <a href='http://www.phpfusion-themes.com' target='_blank'>PHP-Fusion Themes</a>";
   echo "</td>";

   echo "<td class='copyright' align='right' width='38%' style='background-image:url(".THEME."images/nav-center.gif)'>";
   echo "<strong>".$settings['counter']." </strong>".($settings['counter'] == 1 ? $locale['140']."\n" : $locale['141']."\n");
   echo "</td>";
   echo "<td width='15'><img src='".THEME."images/nav-right.gif' width='16' height='26'></td></tr></table>";

Redagavo TDKileris· 2009 Lap. 17 22:11:06

Parašė HitmanBM· 2009 Lap. 17 22:11:56

pas mane 7 fusion :)

Parašė HitmanBM· 2009 Lap. 18 20:11:16

tai typo nieks nezino? :D bet visi nusitryne :D man ne temos kas kure nutrint reik owisa ta apacioj nes kai tema pakeiti jis wisalaika toks pats o kas kure pacia tema skiriasi ta kas kure tema pats moku o ta fusiono pacio kaip?

Parašė Sarunas20· 2009 Lap. 18 20:11:38

o as savo saite nenuimsiu :p populiarinsiu fusiona ;)