Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Iškilo bėda ;D

Parašė adulis· 2008 Rugp. 30 18:08:23

Parsisiunčiau tema pasiredagavau pagal save bet niekaip nepadarau kad jai nebuna ant images uždėta border pati tema uždėtų

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/* General page style */
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.tbl2 { background-color: #000000; border: 1px solid #E0E7E8; padding: 4px; }

Ir kita bėda kaip panaikint ta baltą foną? :D

//php-fusion.co.uk - digimonas/////
//Mooded By SilverSlash, `Lucky, Gynejas//
//By nepster :)////////////////

if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { header("Location:../../index.php"); exit; }
if (iMEMBER) {
   $msg_count = dbcount("(message_id)", "messages", "message_to='".$userdata['user_id']."' AND message_read='0'AND message_folder='0'");

if ($msg_count) echo "<br><center><b><a href='".BASEDIR."messages.php' class='side'>".sprintf($locale['085'], $msg_count).($msg_count == 1 ? $locale['086'] : $locale['087'])."</a></b></center>\n<hr>";

if ($userdata['user_avatar'] != "") {
echo "<center><img border='0' alt='".$locale['on106']."' title='".$locale['on106']."' src='".BASEDIR."images/avatars/".$userdata['user_avatar']."'></center>\n";
} else {
if (iADMIN && (iUSER_RIGHTS != "" || iUSER_RIGHTS != "C")) {
echo "<br><center><A href=\"javascript:show_hide(show_hide1)\">

<img src='".THEME."images/bullet.gif' border=0> <font color=red><b>Administravimas</b></font></a></center>
<div id='show_hide1'></a>
<img src='".THEME."images/bullet.gif'> <a href='".ADMIN."index.php".$aidlink."'>Administracijos panel&#235;</a><br>
<img src='".THEME."images/bullet.gif'> <a href='".ADMIN."news.php".$aidlink."'>Ra&#240;yti naujien&#224;</a><br>
<img src='".THEME."images/bullet.gif'> <a href='".ADMIN."articles.php".$aidlink."'>Ra&#240;yti straipsn&#225;</a><br>
<img src='".THEME."images/bullet.gif'> <a href='".ADMIN."submissions.php".$aidlink."'>Pateikimai</a><br>
//Script by Nepster//
echo "</a><script>
var linktext=new Array()
linktext[2]=\"Profilio redagavimas\"
linktext[3]=\"Priva&#232;ios &#254;inut&#235;s\"
linktext[4]=\"Nariø s&#224;ra&#240;as\"
var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all
var ie=document.all
function show_text(thetext, whichdiv){
if (ie) eval(\"document.all.\"+whichdiv).innerHTML=linktext[thetext]
else if (ns6) document.getElementById(whichdiv).innerHTML=linktext[thetext]
function resetit(whichdiv){
if (ie) eval(\"document.all.\"+whichdiv).innerHTML=' '
else if (ns6) document.getElementById(whichdiv).innerHTML=' '
echo "<br><a href='".BASEDIR."edit_profile.php' class='side' alt='Profilis' title='Profilis'><img src='".IMAGES."profile.png' alt='' onMouseover=\"show_text(2,'div2')\" onMouseout=\"resetit('div2')\"></a>
<a href='".BASEDIR."messages.php' class='side' alt='Privacios zinutes' title='Privacios zinutes'><img src='".IMAGES."private.png' alt='' onMouseover=\"show_text(3,'div2')\" onMouseout=\"resetit('div2')\"></a>
<a href='".BASEDIR."members.php' class='side' alt='Nariai' title='Nariai'><img src='".IMAGES."users.png' alt='' onMouseover=\"show_text(4,'div2')\" onMouseout=\"resetit('div2')\"></a>
<a href='".BASEDIR."setuser.php?logout=yes' class='side' alt='Atsijungti' title='Atsijungti'><img src='".IMAGES."exit.png' alt='' onMouseover=\"show_text(5,'div2')\" onMouseout=\"resetit('div2')\"></a><br>";
echo "<i><span id=\"div2\"> </span></i>";
echo "<br><hr>";
include_once INCLUDES."exp_include.php";
showexp($userdata['user_id'],$userdata['user_posts'], "1");
} else {
   echo "<div align='center'>".(isset($loginerror) ? $loginerror : "")."
<form name='loginform' method='post' action='".FUSION_SELF."'>
<input type='text' name='user_name' class='textbox' style='width:100px'><br>
<input type='password' name='user_pass' class='textbox' style='width:100px'><br>
<input type='checkbox' name='remember_me' value='y' title='".$locale['063']."' style='vertical-align:middle;'>
<input type='submit' name='login' value='".$locale['064']."' class='button'><br>
   if ($settings['enable_registration']) {
      echo "".$locale['065']."<br><br>\n";
   echo $locale['066']."
echo "<style type=\"text/css\">
position: absolute;
width: 150px;
border: 2px solid black;
padding: 2px;
background-color: lightyellow;
visibility: hidden;
z-index: 100;
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color=gray,direction=135);
echo "<div id=\"dhtmltooltip\"></div><script type=\"text/javascript\">
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var enaašip=false
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function ietruebody(){
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function hideddrivetip(){
if (ns6||ie){
if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { header("Location:../../index.php"); exit; }

if (file_exists(INFUSIONS."user_info_panel/locale/".$settings['locale'].".php")) {
   include INFUSIONS."user_info_panel/locale/".$settings['locale'].".php";
} else {
   include INFUSIONS."user_info_panel/locale/English.php";
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_lastvisit>'0' AND user_status='0' ORDER BY user_lastvisit DESC LIMIT 0,7");
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>";
if (dbrows($result) != 0) {
   while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
      $lastseen = time() - $data['user_lastvisit'];
      if ($lastseen < 60){
         $lastseen= $locale['lsup001'];
      } elseif ($lastseen < 360){
         $lastseen= $locale['lsup002'];
      } elseif ($iW > 0){
         if ($iW == 1) { $text = $locale['lsup003']; } else { $text = $locale['lsup004']; }
         $lastseen = $iW." ".$text;
      } elseif ($iD > 0){
         if ($iD == 1) { $text = $locale['lsup005']; } else { $text = $locale['lsup006']; }
         $lastseen = $iD." ".$text;
      } else {
         $lastseen = $iH.":".$iM.":".$iS;
      echo "<tr>\n<td class='side-small' align='left'>°\n";
      echo "<a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=".$data['user_id']."' title='".$data['user_name']."' class='side'>\n";
      echo trimlink($data['user_name'], 15)."</a></td><td class='side-small' align='right'>".$lastseen."</td>\n</tr>\n";

echo "
<b><img src='".BASEDIR."/infusions/user_info_panel/images/4.gif'>Statistika:</b><br>";
   $data = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT user_id,user_name FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_status='0' ORDER BY user_joined DESC LIMIT 0,1"));
   $tag1= date('d');
$tag1= date('d');
$monat1= date('m');
$jahr1= date('Y');
$hanfang = mktime(0,0,0,$monat1,$tag1,$jahr1);
$hende = mktime(23,59,59,$monat1,$tag1,$jahr1);
$ganfang = mktime(0,0,0,$monat1,$tag1-1,$jahr1);
$gende = mktime(23,59,59,$monat1,$tag1-1,$jahr1);
echo "° Naujø nariø vakar: ".dbcount("(user_id)", "users", "user_joined >='".$ganfang."' AND user_joined <='".$gende."'")."<br>";
echo "° Naujø nariø &#240;iandien: ".dbcount("(user_id)", "users", "user_joined >='".$hanfang."' AND user_joined <='".$hende."'")."<br>";
echo "° Viso nariø: ".$locale['on100'].number_format(dbcount("(user_id)", "users", "user_status<='1'"))."<br />\n";
echo "<center><b>Nariu Istorija</b></center>";
echo "</table>";

Parašė MAnjack· 2008 Rugp. 30 18:08:28

Susirask img linką ir padaryk border=0

Parašė adulis· 2008 Rugp. 30 18:08:22

Taip ir norėjau daryt bet būna temose padaryta kad nereikia rašyt nu tiek to o del antros bėdos gal galit padet ? :)

Parašė Žmogus· 2008 Rugp. 30 18:08:46

Dėl pirmos bėdos tai į styles kišk
img {
border: 0px;

Parašė adulis· 2008 Rugp. 30 18:08:12

Ačiū :P. Dėl antros kas padėsit ? :)

Parašė Toonis· 2008 Rugp. 30 19:08:09

Bliad nakui jums sunku su photoshopo pipete pasiimt spalvos kodą, atsidaryt styles.css per notepad, spaust ctrl+f įpastint kodą ir susrast, bei pakeist jį 000?

Redagavo Toonis· 2008 Rugp. 30 19:08:24

Parašė Žmogus· 2008 Rugp. 30 19:08:24

     echo "<tr>\n<td align='left'>°\n";
      echo "<a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=".$data['user_id']."' title='".$data['user_name']."' class='side'>\n";
      echo trimlink($data['user_name'], 15)."</a></td><td class='side-small' align='right'>".$lastseen."</td>\n</tr>\n";

Redagavo Žmogus· 2008 Rugp. 30 19:08:33

Parašė adulis· 2008 Rugp. 30 19:08:03

Tooni galvoji nebandžiau... Nyhuje nieko nerado panašaus...
Ačiū ShadoVw.