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Forumas | PHP-Fusion, WordPress, Shopify, PHP ir MySQL (PROGRAMAVIMAS) | Žaliems |
Autorius: ct enemy | Peržiūrų: 1223 |
ct enemy Narys Spalvotas Pranešimai: 61 Įstojęs: 2010 Gru. 21 19:12:13 | |
Notice: Undefined index: cronjob_hour in /usr/home/www1/ftp/gamesreview/themes/templates/footer.php on line 29 Unknown column 'settings_name' in 'where clause' Notice: Undefined index: cronjob_day in /usr/home/www1/ftp/gamesreview/themes/templates/footer.php on line 37 Unknown column 'user_actiontime' in 'where clause'Unknown column 'user_actiontime' in 'where clause'Unknown column 'settings_name' in 'where clause' Notice: Undefined index: login_method in /usr/home/www1/ftp/gamesreview/themes/templates/footer.php on line 105 Notice: Undefined variable: db_connect in /usr/home/www1/ftp/gamesreview/themes/templates/footer.php on line 109 Warning: mysql_close() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /usr/home/www1/ftp/gamesreview/themes/templates/footer.php on line 109 nezinau kas yra gal galit kas padet atsiusiu dar veliau jei reikia tas failu eilutes |
ct enemy Narys Spalvotas Pranešimai: 61 Įstojęs: 2010 Gru. 21 19:12:13 | |
jus tik ziurit o nepadedat |
klaude Narys Margas Pranešimai: 104 Įstojęs: 2010 Rugs. 11 23:09:43 | |
Tu prilaikyk liežuvį uždantų Paaiskinimas čiapas tave kažkas su /themes/templates/footer.php footer.php faila atsiusk pažiuresiu kas ten blogai o ka cia darei kad toki error meta ? |
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