Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Kaip padaryti, kad tekstas eiti i sona?

Parašė Euro08Euro· 2009 Bal. 17 20:04:58

Laba vakarą, aš pamiršau kaip daryti tekstą, kad jis aitų į šoną.
Parašykite kas gali.

Parašė Peacemaker· 2009 Bal. 17 20:04:45


Parašė Euro08Euro· 2009 Bal. 17 20:04:25

Dėkui, galite rakinti tėmą.

Parašė Deiviux.eu· 2009 Bal. 17 22:04:33

* Align: Uses the same syntax as the img tag.
* Behavior: Allows the user to set the behavior of the marquee to one of three different types:
o Scroll - DEFAULT. Scrolls the text from right-to-left, and restarts at the right side of the marquee when it has reached the left side. Text disappears when looping finishes.
o Slide - Same as Scroll except that the text stays there after the loop(s) if a loop(s) is set.
o Alternate - Text 'bounces' from the left side of the box to the right side. Loops are counted by each time it reaches the other end; a loop of 1 would be the same as Slide.

<marquee behavior="alternate">This text will bounce from left to right</marquee>

* Bgcolor: Sets the background color of the marquee.

<marquee bgcolor="blue">This marquee's background color will be blue.</marquee>

* Direction: Sets the direction of the marquee box to either left-to-right, right-to-left, up-to-down and down-to-up. Later browsers added support for a movie credit style bottom-up and top-down values.

<marquee direction="right">This text will scroll from left to right.</marquee>

* Width: This sets how wide the marquee should be.

<marquee width="100px">This marquee is only a hundred pixels wide!</marquee>

* Loop: This sets how many times the marquee should 'Loop' its text.

<marquee loop="2">You will only see this text twice before it stops playing.</marquee>

* Scrollamount: This is how many pixels the text moves between 'frames', in pixels.

<marquee scrollamount="10">This text will move ten pixels per 'frame'</marquee>

* Scrolldelay: This sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, between 'frames'.

<marquee scrolldelay="1000">This would be so slow, you'd get no sense of animation.</marquee>
<marquee scrolldelay="1">This would be so fast, you couldn't see it!</marquee>

Parašė DvB· 2009 Bal. 17 22:04:10

Nesupratau kam tu dar šitą nesąmonę parašiai?

Parašė ramon· 2009 Bal. 17 22:04:29

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