Parašė nos32· 2008 Rugp. 3 09:08:37
gal :? ir atsiras geros sirdies zmogus kuris tai gali padaryt... nes manau daug kam praverstu toks dalykelis... kad buciau lietuvoi sumokeciau tuos litus bet kadandi esu ne lietuvoj tai kajp as pravesiu tuos litus :(
Parašė nos32· 2008 Rugp. 4 01:08:25
Stai ash turiu bet gal istaisyt galetumet???
print'<table width="150">';
$server = "";
$portg = "7777";
$portl = "9014";
$timeout = "5";
if ($server and $port and $timeout) {
$game = @fsockopen("$server", $portg, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
$login = @fsockopen("$server", $portl, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
print'<tr><td align="center"><strong>Server Status</strong></td></tr>';
if($login) { print'<tr><td>Login:</td><td><font color="#00FF00"><strong> Online</strong></font><br><br></td></tr>'; }
else { print'<tr><td>Login:</td><td><font color="#FF0000"><strong> Offline</strong></font><br><br></td></tr>'; }
if($game) { print'<tr><td>Game:</td><td><font color="#00FF00"><strong> Online</strong></font></td></tr>'; }
else { print'<tr><td>Game:</td><td"><font color="#FF0000"><strong> Offline</strong></td></tr>'; }
//first you need to define db info
define('mySQL_hostname', ''); //database IP
define('mySQL_database', 'Database'); //database name
define('mySQL_username', 'User'); //database user
define('mySQL_password', 'Pass'); //database password
//connects to mysql
$db_link = mysql_pconnect( mySQL_hostname, mySQL_username, mySQL_password )
or die( 'Error connecting to mysql<br><br>'.mysql_error() );
//connects to Database
$db_select = mysql_select_db( mySQL_database, $db_link )
or die( 'Error connecting to Database<br><br>'.mysql_error() );
//selects desired table
$chars=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters");
//tells how much rows are there (will come helpfull with while loops)
$rows =mysql_numrows($characters);
//while $i is smaller than number of rows repeat the code
while ($i < $rows) {
$online=mysql_result($chars,$i,"online"); //looks into characters table, under column online(if player is online its "0" else "1"), at row $i
if ($online == 1) { $x++; } // if column online at row $i is "1", increase $x
$i++; //increase $i
print 'Online players:<em>'.$x.'<em>'; //prints out the $x number of players online
define('mySQL_hostname', ''); //database IP
define('mySQL_database', 'Database'); //database name
define('mySQL_username', 'User'); //database user
define('mySQL_password', 'Pass'); //database password
function l2j_encrypt($password)
return base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1(utf8_encode($password))));
$str = l2j_encrypt($_POST['pass']);
$user = $_POST["name"];
$db_link = mysql_pconnect( mySQL_hostname, mySQL_username, mySQL_password )
or die( 'Error connecting to mysql<br><br>'.mysql_error() );
$db_select = mysql_select_db( mySQL_database, $db_link )
or die( 'Error connecting to Database<br><br>'.mysql_error() );
if ($user == '') { print'Incorrect UserID'; mysql_close(); }
else {
$db_add = mysql_query( "INSERT INTO `accounts` VALUES ('$user', '$str', '0', '0', '')" )
or die( 'Error: '.mysql_error() );
print 'Account Created<br><br>Enjoy youre gameplay.';
Paskui pridëk ðità á indexà
<form action="acc.php" method=post>
UserID:<input type="text" name="name" size 20><br><br>
Password:<input type="password" name="pass" size 20><br><br>
<input type=submit name="submit" value="Login">