Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Kas galite pagelbeti su downloads.php

Parašė deiviux159· 2011 Rugp. 2 15:08:43

Labas,tai va turiu prasyma, downloads.php bet man reikia kad kas nors perkoduotu i na pvz stai sitaip:

Parašė T-Boy· 2011 Rugp. 2 15:08:37

Nemokamai tau niekas nekoduos.

Parašė switz· 2011 Rugp. 2 15:08:31

Pats pasidaryk gi čia lengva

Parašė deiviux159· 2011 Rugp. 2 16:08:04

nors idekit virs pavadinimo perklausa stai mano downloads.php ir dar istrinkite tuoslicenzija,O/S,versija stai kaip atrodo mano downloads:

ir stai downloads.php ,jei kam nesunku galite imesti ta perklausa nes net neissivaizduoju kur ten kisti ta koda

| <span style="border-bottom: 1px dotted black;">PHP</span>-Fusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) 2002 - 2011 Nick Jones
| <a href='http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/' target='_blank'><span style='color:005C5B'>http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/</span></a>
| Filename: downloads.php
| Author: Nick Jones (Digitanium)
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at <a href='http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html.' target='_blank'><span style='color:005C5B'>www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html.</span></a> Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
require_once "maincore.php";
require_once THEMES."templates/header.php";
include LOCALE.LOCALESET."downloads.php";
if (isset($_GET['download_id']) && isnum($_GET['download_id'])) {
	$res = 0;
	if ($data = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT download_url, download_file, download_cat FROM ".DB_DOWNLOADS." WHERE download_id='".$_GET['download_id']."'"))) {
		$cdata = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT download_cat_access FROM ".DB_DOWNLOAD_CATS." WHERE download_cat_id='".$data['download_cat']."'"));
		if (checkgroup($cdata['download_cat_access'])) {
			$result = dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_DOWNLOADS." SET download_count=download_count+1 WHERE download_id='".$_GET['download_id']."'");
			if (!empty($data['download_file']) && file_exists(DOWNLOADS.$data['download_file'])) {
				$res = 1;
				require_once INCLUDES."class.httpdownload.php";
				$object = new httpdownload;
				$object->use_resume = true;
			} elseif (!empty($data['download_url'])) {
				$res = 1;
	if ($res == 0) { redirect("downloads.php"); }
if (!isset($_GET['cat_id']) || !isnum($_GET['cat_id'])) {
	echo "<!--pre_download_idx-->\n";
	$result = dbquery("SELECT download_cat_id, download_cat_name, download_cat_description FROM ".DB_DOWNLOAD_CATS." WHERE ".groupaccess('download_cat_access')." ORDER BY download_cat_name");
	$rows = dbrows($result);
	if ($rows) {
		$counter = 0; $columns = 2;
		echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n";
		while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
			if ($counter != 0 && ($counter % $columns == 0)) { echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n"; }
			$num = dbcount("(download_cat)", DB_DOWNLOADS, "download_cat='".$data['download_cat_id']."'");
			echo "<td valign='top' width='50%' class='tbl download_idx_cat_name'><!--download_idx_cat_name--><a href='".FUSION_SELF."?cat_id=".$data['download_cat_id']."'>".$data['download_cat_name']."</a> <span class='small2'>($num)</span>";
			if ($data['download_cat_description'] != "") { echo "<br />\n<span class='small'>".$data['download_cat_description']."</span>"; }
			echo "</td>\n" ;
		echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
	} else {
		echo "<div style='text-align:center'><br />\n".$locale['430']."<br /><br />\n</div>\n";
	echo "<!--sub_download_idx-->";
} else {
	$res = 0;
	$result = dbquery("SELECT download_cat_name, download_cat_sorting, download_cat_access FROM ".DB_DOWNLOAD_CATS." WHERE download_cat_id='".$_GET['cat_id']."'");
	if (dbrows($result) != 0) {
		$cdata = dbarray($result);
		if (checkgroup($cdata['download_cat_access'])) {
			$res = 1;
			opentable($locale['400'].": ".$cdata['download_cat_name']);
			echo "<!--pre_download_cat-->";
			$rows = dbcount("(download_id)", DB_DOWNLOADS, "download_cat='".$_GET['cat_id']."'");
			if (!isset($_GET['rowstart']) || !isnum($_GET['rowstart'])) { $_GET['rowstart'] = 0; }
			if ($rows != 0) {
				$result = dbquery("SELECT download_id, download_title, download_description, download_license, download_os, download_version, download_filesize, download_datestamp, download_count FROM ".DB_DOWNLOADS." WHERE download_cat='".$_GET['cat_id']."' ORDER BY ".$cdata['download_cat_sorting']." LIMIT ".$_GET['rowstart'].",".$settings['downloads_per_page']);
				$numrows = dbrows($result); $i = 1;
				while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
					if ($data['download_datestamp'] + 604800 > time() + ($settings['timeoffset'] * 3600)) {
						$new = " <span class='small'>".$locale['410']."</span>";
					} else {
						$new = "";
					echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' class='tbl-border'>\n";
					echo "<tr>\n<td colspan='3' class='forum-caption'><strong>".$data['download_title']."</strong> $new</td>\n</tr>\n";
					if ($data['download_description']) { echo "<tr>\n<td colspan='3' class='tbl1'>".nl2br(stripslashes($data['download_description']))."</td>\n</tr>\n"; }
					echo "<tr>\n<td width='30%' class='tbl2'><strong>".$locale['411']."</strong> ".$data['download_license']."</td>\n<td width='30%' class='tbl1'><strong>".$locale['412']."</strong> ".$data['download_os']."</td>\n";
					echo "<td width='40%' class='tbl2'><strong>".$locale['413']."</strong> ".$data['download_version']."</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td width='30%' class='tbl2'><strong>".$locale['414']."</strong> ".showdate("shortdate", $data['download_datestamp'])."</td>\n";
					echo "<td width='30%' class='tbl1'><strong>".$locale['415']."</strong> ".$data['download_count']."</td>\n<td width='40%' class='tbl2'><a href='".FUSION_SELF."?cat_id=".$_GET['cat_id']."&amp;download_id=".$data['download_id']."' target='_blank'>".$locale['416']."</a> (".$data['download_filesize'].")</td>\n</tr>\n";
					echo "</table>\n";
					if ($i != $numrows) { echo "<div style='text-align:center'><img src='".get_image("blank")."' alt='' height='15' width='1' /></div>\n"; $i++; }
				if ($rows > $settings['downloads_per_page']) { echo "<div align='center' style=';margin-top:5px;'>\n".makepagenav($_GET['rowstart'], $settings['downloads_per_page'], $rows, 3, FUSION_SELF."?cat_id=".$_GET['cat_id']."&amp;")."\n</div>\n"; }
			} else {
				echo "<div style='text-align:center'>".$locale['431']."</div>\n";
				echo "<!--sub_download_cat-->";
	if ($res == 0) { redirect(FUSION_SELF); }
require_once THEMES."templates/footer.php";

Redagavo deiviux159· 2011 Rugp. 2 16:08:50

Parašė Juliuss· 2011 Rugp. 2 17:08:18

Geriau naudok patį modą.


Parašė MaFetas· 2011 Rugp. 2 17:08:46

Tokių paprastų dalykų nesugebi pasidaryti, tai kam išvis kuri kažkokį puslapį kuriame nieko nesugebėsi pateikti ūnikalaus... Eik geriau mokintis programavimo žinių, tobulėk kažkur o ne prašinėk kad kas už tave padarytų, ypač tokių smulkmenų...

Parašė deiviux159· 2011 Rugp. 2 17:08:09

nu gerai bandysiu pats jei jums sunku parodyti ar imesti ta koda:[

Parašė Jaunelis· 2011 Rugp. 2 23:08:16

MaFetas parašė:
Tokių paprastų dalykų nesugebi pasidaryti, tai kam išvis kuri kažkokį puslapį kuriame nieko nesugebėsi pateikti ūnikalaus... Eik geriau mokintis programavimo žinių, tobulėk kažkur o ne prašinėk kad kas už tave padarytų, ypač tokių smulkmenų...

Kam mokintis , buna žmonių daro saitus perka modus ir kalas litus... :D svarbu pačia įdėja turėti , ir investuoti jai nemoki , o jai moki daraisi pats :D

Parašė deiviux159· 2011 Rugp. 2 23:08:04

o nors is sito galetumete isimti failo aprasyma na kad narys pateikdamas faila negaletu parasyti aprasymo

stai submit_file.php

Parašė Jaunelis· 2011 Rugp. 3 00:08:04

deiviux159 parašė:
o nors is sito galetumete isimti failo aprasyma na kad narys pateikdamas faila negaletu parasyti aprasymo

stai submit_file.php

Man rodos ir modu saite rašei , ten patalpinau kodą.

Parašė deiviux159· 2011 Rugp. 3 16:08:32

turiu dar soki toki prasyma ar galetum imesti perklausai downloads.php ten kur turi buti failo aprasymas?
Stai downloads.php:
