Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: keli klausimai

Parašė valentinas25· 2008 Gru. 5 14:12:16

pazymejau raudonai ta ka noriu panaikinti t.y. pwz straipsniai:pluginu dejimas tai noriu kad nebutu uzraso straipsniai.
ir tas pluginu dejimas kur prie naujas reikia kad butu per viduri,ir nebutu uzraso naujas,jei nesupratot rasykit atsakyme paaiskinsiu nes dabar turiu isvykti skubu

Redagavo Enzo· 2008 Gru. 5 15:12:28

Parašė ex-it· 2008 Gru. 5 14:12:02

Articles.php ;)

Parašė Niger· 2008 Gru. 5 15:12:42

ex-it parašė:
Articles.php ;)

manau jis nesuprato :)

Parašė valentinas25· 2008 Gru. 5 15:12:31

supratau redaguoti faila

Parašė ex-it· 2008 Gru. 5 15:12:36


Va papildai man saskaita. Ir as tau padarau :)

Parašė Niger· 2008 Gru. 5 15:12:18

ex-it parašė:

Va papildai man saskaita. Ir as tau padarau :)

Tu ir pavarai kaip netingi... :s

Parašė ex-it· 2008 Gru. 5 15:12:03

Reik man saskaita pasipildyt, atsiradus progai visada reik ja pasinaudot :)

Parašė valentinas25· 2008 Gru. 5 15:12:40

pats pasidarysiu nesunku

Parašė ex-it· 2008 Gru. 5 15:12:19

Jei nepasidarysi parasyk :)

Parašė valentinas25· 2008 Gru. 5 15:12:36

man tik reiktu kad kasnors pasakytu kure eilute reiktu redaguoti kad panaikinti uzrasa naujas,butu gerai kad pasakytumet kaip ta eilute sutvarkyti kad tureciau articles.php pavyzdi jei kada dar prireiks

Parašė ---· 2008 Gru. 5 15:12:12

tai gi pats pasidarysi

Parašė valentinas25· 2008 Gru. 5 16:12:25

nu pasidarysiu jeigu pasakysit bent kure eilute redaguoti pas mane v7

Parašė ex-it· 2008 Gru. 5 16:12:27

Nu pox, parasyk cia failo koda :) padarysiu 4free :)

Parašė valentinas25· 2008 Gru. 5 16:12:27

mano articles.php kodas:

| PHP-Fusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) 2002 - 2008 Nick Jones
| http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/
| Filename: articles.php
| Author: Nick Jones (Digitanium)
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
require_once "maincore.php";
require_once THEMES."templates/header.php";
include LOCALE.LOCALESET."articles.php";


if (isset($_GET['article_id']) && isnum($_GET['article_id'])) {
$result = dbquery(
"SELECT ta.*,tac.*, tu.user_id,user_name FROM ".DB_ARTICLES." ta
INNER JOIN ".DB_ARTICLE_CATS." tac ON ta.article_cat=tac.article_cat_id
LEFT JOIN ".DB_USERS." tu ON ta.article_name=tu.user_id
WHERE ".groupaccess('article_cat_access')." AND article_id='".$_GET['article_id']."' AND article_draft='0'"
if (dbrows($result)) {
require_once INCLUDES."comments_include.php";
require_once INCLUDES."ratings_include.php";
$data = dbarray($result);
if (!isset($_GET['rowstart']) || !isnum($_GET['rowstart'])) { $_GET['rowstart'] = 0; }
if ($_GET['rowstart'] == 0) { $result = dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_ARTICLES." SET article_reads=article_reads+1 WHERE article_id='".$_GET['article_id']."'"); }
$article = stripslashes($data['article_article']);
if (ereg('<--PAGEBREAK-->', $article)) {
$article = explode("<--PAGEBREAK-->", $article);
} else {
$article = explode("<!-- pagebreak -->", $article);
$pagecount = count($article);
$article_subject = stripslashes($data['article_subject']);
$article_info = array(
"article_id" => $data['article_id'],
"user_id" => $data['user_id'],
"user_name" => $data['user_name'],
"article_date" => $data['article_datestamp'],
"article_breaks" => $data['article_breaks'],
"article_comments" => dbcount("(comment_id)", DB_COMMENTS, "comment_type='A' AND comment_item_id='".$data['article_id']."'"),
"article_reads" => $data['article_reads'],
"article_allow_comments" => $data['article_allow_comments']
echo "<!--pre_article-->";
render_article($article_subject, $article[$_GET['rowstart']], $article_info);
echo "<!--sub_article-->";
if ($pagecount > 1) {
echo "<div align='center' style='margin-top:5px;'>\n".makepagenav($_GET['rowstart'], 1, $pagecount, 3, FUSION_SELF."?article_id=".$_GET['article_id']."&amp;")."\n</div>\n";
if ($data['article_allow_comments']) { showcomments("A", DB_ARTICLES, "article_id", $_GET['article_id'], FUSION_SELF."?article_id=".$_GET['article_id']); }
if ($data['article_allow_ratings']) { showratings("A", $_GET['article_id'], FUSION_SELF."?article_id=".$_GET['article_id']); }
} else {
} elseif (!isset($_GET['cat_id']) || !isnum($_GET['cat_id'])) {
echo "<!--pre_article_idx-->\n";
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_ARTICLE_CATS." WHERE ".groupaccess('article_cat_access')." ORDER BY article_cat_name");
$rows = dbrows($result);
if ($rows) {
$counter = 0; $columns = 2;
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n";
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
if ($counter != 0 && ($counter % $columns == 0)) { echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n"; }
$num = dbcount("(article_cat)", DB_ARTICLES, "article_cat='".$data['article_cat_id']."' AND article_draft='0'");
echo "<td valign='top' width='50%' class='tbl article_idx_cat_name'><!--article_idx_cat_name--><a href='".FUSION_SELF."?cat_id=".$data['article_cat_id']."'>".$data['article_cat_name']."</a> <span class='small2'>($num)</span>";
if ($data['article_cat_description'] != "") { echo "<br />\n<span class='small'>".$data['article_cat_description']."</span>"; }
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
} else {
echo "<div style='text-align:center'><br />\n".$locale['401']."<br /><br />\n</div>\n";
echo "<!--sub_article_idx-->\n";
} else {
$res = 0;
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_ARTICLE_CATS." WHERE article_cat_id='".$_GET['cat_id']."'");
if (dbrows($result) != 0) {
$cdata = dbarray($result);
if (checkgroup($cdata['article_cat_access'])) {
$res = 1;
opentable($locale['400'].": ".$cdata['article_cat_name']);
echo "<!--pre_article_cat-->";
$rows = dbcount("(article_id)", DB_ARTICLES, "article_cat='".$_GET['cat_id']."' AND article_draft='0'");
if (!isset($_GET['rowstart']) || !isnum($_GET['rowstart'])) { $_GET['rowstart'] = 0; }
if ($rows != 0) {
$result = dbquery(
"SELECT ta.article_id, ta.article_subject, ta.article_snippet, ta.article_datestamp FROM ".DB_ARTICLES." ta
WHERE article_cat='".$_GET['cat_id']."' AND article_draft='0' ORDER BY ".$cdata['article_cat_sorting']." LIMIT ".$_GET['rowstart'].",15"
$numrows = dbrows($result); $i = 1;
while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
if ($data['article_datestamp'] + 604800 > time() + ($settings['timeoffset'] * 3600)) {
$new = "&nbsp;<span class='small'>[".$locale['402']."]</span>";
} else {
$new = "";
echo "<a href='".FUSION_SELF."?article_id=".$data['article_id']."'>".$data['article_subject']."</a>$new<br />\n".stripslashes($data['article_snippet']);
echo ($i != $numrows ? "<br /><br />\n" : "\n"); $i++;
echo "<!--sub_article_cat-->";
if ($rows > 15) echo "<div align='center' style=';margin-top:5px;'>\n".makepagenav($_GET['rowstart'], 15, $rows, 3, FUSION_SELF."?cat_id=".$_GET['cat_id']."&amp;")."\n</div>\n";
} else {
echo "<div style='text-align:center'>".$locale['403']."</div>\n";
echo "<!--sub_article_cat-->";
if ($res == 0) { redirect(FUSION_SELF); }

require_once THEMES."templates/footer.php";

Redagavo valentinas25· 2008 Gru. 5 16:12:07

Parašė ex-it· 2008 Gru. 5 16:12:31

$new istrini ir wsio :) daba man 10 duodi staigiai! :DDD

Parašė valentinas25· 2008 Gru. 5 16:12:29

thx susitvarkiau,o ka redaguoti kad prie pavadinimo dingtu straipsniai:
kiek suprantu articles.php redaguoti kaskoki sakini su zodziu articles,bet kuri?

Redagavo valentinas25· 2008 Gru. 5 16:12:56