Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Klausimas

Parašė Nachal· 2010 Spa. 3 18:10:52

Sveiki tvarkau tinklalapį ir iškilo tokia problema.

Gabalas kodo:

header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
$cat = htmlentities($_GET['cat']);
$subcat = htmlentities($_GET['subcat']);
$id = htmlentities($_GET['id']);
$action = htmlentities($_GET['action']);
$page = htmlentities($_GET['page']);
$miestas = htmlspecialchars($_GET['miestas']);
$q = htmlentities($_GET['q']);

bet gaunu errorus

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skelbimas/domains/moto-parts.xe.lt/public_html/nustatymai.php:1) in /home/skelbimas/domains/moto-parts.xe.lt/public_html/header.php on line 2

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skelbimas/domains/moto-parts.xe.lt/public_html/nustatymai.php:1) in /home/skelbimas/domains/moto-parts.xe.lt/public_html/header.php on line 3

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/skelbimas/domains/moto-parts.xe.lt/public_html/nustatymai.php:1) in /home/skelbimas/domains/moto-parts.xe.lt/public_html/header.php on line 3

Parašė Žmogus· 2010 Spa. 3 19:10:37

Atsidaryk su notepad++ ir padatyk Encoding-->conver to utf-8 without boom

Parašė Nachal· 2010 Spa. 3 19:10:10

shadovw parašė:
Atsidaryk su notepad++ ir padatyk Encoding-->conver to utf-8 without boom