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Parašė ---------· 2009 Kov. 5 19:03:57

Sveiki sugalvojau naudoti pseudotube galvoju ar man sutikti su taisyklėmis. Gal kas nors galėtų man jas labiau paaiškinti:
PseudoTUBE Terms & Conditions
THIS AGREEMENT is made the 05 day of Mar 2009 BETWEEN
The Network Owner: DM Cubed LTD who's registered office is 18 Gulistan Road, Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 5LU, England, UK.
The Client:
The user interacting with this web site using the IP address
A. The PseudoTUBE.com System: A website developed by DM Cubed LTD to host video clips where the Client provides content and hosts adverts.
B. The Client wishes to use the FREE Instant PseudoTube.com System.


1) Term
This Agreement shall commence on the date first above written and shall continue for a period of one year and from year to year thereafter until or unless terminated by either party giving to the other not less than two months' prior written notice, subject always to prior termination as hereinafter specified.

2) Data and domain ownership
The Network Owner owns the source code, databases and all Pseudotube.com subdomains. The Network Owner grants paid and active Clients to use the PseudoTUBE.com System. The Client never owns the rights to the source code, databases, PseudoTUBE subdomains or any other material stored on the Network Owner server.

3) Backup and recovery
The PseudoTUBE.com System is backed up on a regular basis. In the event of a fatal server failure the backup will be used to recover the system. The Network Owner will attempt to restore the system as soon as possible but makes no guarantee that data can be recovered.

4) Hosting
The Network Owner will host the PseudoTUBE.com System, databases and source code. The Network Owner does not provide a guarantee of the up time of this service.

5) Domain renewal
The Client is responsible for the renewal of the domain. This clause is not needed for users of the free instant package.

6) Domain selling
If the Client sells the domain they own to a 3rd party the Client must inform the Network Owner in writing to formally end the contract in accordance with Term (1). The 3rd party may use the PseudoTUBE.com System if they have a valid contract with the Network Owner. Failure to inform the Network Owner of such a change may result in termination of the Client's existing PseudoTube.com System.

7) Adverts and links
The PseudoTUBE.com System allows the Client to place adverts in order to earn an income. The Network Owner will show his own adverts on the Client's PseudoTUBE.com System as set out in schedule B.

8) Client content
The Client can provide content to the site. This content may not include inappropriate material, this includes (but shall not be limited to), adult, pornography, nudity, hateful, harmful, racist, terrorist or illegal material. Violation of this clause may result in termination of the Clients PseudoTUBE.com System.

9) Payments and renewals
An initial payment is due before the Client's PseudoTUBE.com System is made live. Each year the renewal fee must be paid 30 days prior of the anniversary of the start date of this contract set out in the section Term (1). The Network Owner reserves the right to adjust the renewal price. The Network Owners makes a guarantee that this increase will not be more than 5% per year. If payment is not made then the Client looses his or hers right to continue to use the PseudoTUBE.com System. The initial payment and renewal fees are set out in schedule A. This clause is not needed for users of the free instant package.

10) Custom pages
The Client may request custom pages to be developed for their PseudoTUBE.com System. The cost of these pages can be discussed with the Network Owner. The Network Owner does not have to add unpaid feature requests from the Client to the PseudoTUBE.com System.

11) Updates and features
The Network Owner may update or add new features to the Client's PseudoTUBE.com System at any time with out prior warning.

12) Liability and Indemnity
Except to the extent that by statute liability may not lawfully be excluded in an agreement of this nature and between the respective parties hereto, the Network Owner shall not be liable in contract or otherwise for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage sustained by the Client making use of the PseudoTUBE.com System in accordance with this Agreement. The Client agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the Network Owner from and against any third?party or user claims against the Network Owner arising from or relating to the Client's PseudoTube.com System.

13) Force Majeure
Neither party shall be liable to the other in respect of anything which, apart from this provision, may constitute breach of this Agreement arising by reason of force majeure, namely circumstances beyond the control of either party which shall include (but shall not be limited to) acts of God, perils of the sea or air, fire, flood, drought, explosion, sabotage, accident, embargo, riot, civil commotion or civil authority, including acts of local government and parliamentary authority.

14) Waiver
Failure or neglect by the Network Owner to enforce at any time any of the provisions hereof shall not be construed nor shall be deemed to be a waiver of the Network Owner's rights hereunder nor in any way affect the validity of the whole or any part of this Agreement nor prejudice the Network Owner's rights to take subsequent action.

15) Headings
The headings of the terms and conditions herein contained are inserted for convenience of reference only and are not intended to be part of or to affect the meaning or interpretation of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

16) Severability
In the event that any of these terms, conditions or provisions shall be determined by any competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, such term, condition or provision shall to that extent be severed from the remaining terms, conditions and provisions which shall continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.

17) Notices
All notices to or by the respective parties hereto shall be in writing in the English language and shall be deemed to have been duly given when sent by facsimile where the sender has a valid transmission report and confirms the Notice by an email sent to the party to which such notice is required to be given under this agreement and where the receiving party confirms that the email has been received.

18) Law
The parties hereby agree that the formation, existence, construction, performance, validity and all aspects of the Contract shall be governed by English law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of English Law, and agree to abide by any decision made by the English Courts in relation to any dispute, which may arise.

Schedule A
Free Edition: Initial fee $0, renewal fee $0.
Business Package: Initial fee $99, renewal fee $99.
Enterprise Package: Initial fee $499, renewal fee $499.
All prices quoted in US Dollars.

Schedule B
Free Edition: Client's adverts / links shown on average 50% of the time.
Business Package: Client's adverts / links shown on average 80% of the time.
Enterprise Package: Client's adverts / links shown 100% of the time.

Mane ypač domintų 9 taisyklė. Noriu sinoti ar čia visada bus nemokama ar po 30 dienų arba kažkada taps mokama? Labai Labai Ačiū

Parašė WyPuk· 2009 Kov. 5 19:03:43

Išsiversk su vertimas.vdu.lt

Parašė ---------· 2009 Kov. 5 19:03:00

aha su tuo pačiu verčiau bet lempą rodė galvojau jei naudojosi tai gal pasakyt galit?

Parašė Toonis· 2009 Kov. 5 19:03:17


Parašė WyPuk· 2009 Kov. 5 19:03:14

Infe4no_ parašė:
aha su tuo pačiu verčiau bet lempą rodė galvojau jei naudojosi tai gal pasakyt galit?

Bet ten kaikurie žodžiai teisingi ir pagal juos gali suprast esmę

Parašė ---------· 2009 Kov. 5 19:03:52

Net neįsivaizduoji koks aš tau dėkingas :D Ačiū +10