Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Dėl paplėtimo

Parašė Valuediz· 2008 Bal. 28 15:04:23

stai ir theme_config.php
/* PHP Fusion theme default configurations */
$body_text = "#444444";
$body_bg = "#DAE2E3";
$theme_width = 1000;
$theme_panels_exclude = array("/forum/");

$theme_panels_width = 170;
// keep the width of the panels the same so it does not compress the tables
$theme_width_r = $theme_panels_width;
$theme_width_l = $theme_panels_width;

/* Revision Theme configurations */
# for support and explanation about these configurations please go to http://www.uworldirc.com/support...

// Page Header
$rtHeader['logo_url'] = BASEDIR.'index.php';
$rtHeader['logo_url_title'] = 'Front Page';
$rtHeader['rightside_member'] = "Welcome <strong>".$userdata['user_name']."</strong>";
$rtHeader['rightside_guest'] = "Welcome <strong>Guest</strong><br>please <a href='".BASEDIR."login.php'>login</a> or <a href='".BASEDIR."register.php'>register</a>";

Tai žino kasnors?

Redagavo Valuediz· 2008 Bal. 28 15:04:45