Parašė justaslt· 2009 Sau. 15 19:01:29
kaip cia msuprast?
Importing Sql Data and Configuring Database
1. Create a new database for Clipbucket on your web server
2. import sql/cb_new_install.sql
After successfully importing sql data, you can see a list of tables in your sql manager
* Click on 'config' table
* Click on 'browse' to view its content
* You can see two rows with the name 'baseurl' and 'basedir'
* Edit both rows and update them
enter your website url in 'baseurl' value field e,g without '/' slash at the end
enter your relative directory path in your 'basedir' value field e,g /home/server_username/public_html/livedemo without '/' slash at the end