Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Kitokia spalva

Parašė zabello· 2008 Rugp. 12 23:08:11

Turiu toki koda ir noriu kad visas tekstas butu balta spalva kaip man tei padaryti ?
function render_footer($license=false) {

global $theme_width,$settings,$db_prefix,$locale,$userdata,$aidlink;

echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"937\">
     <td background=\"".THEME."images/emikser_v3_30.jpg\" width=\"217\" height=\"214\" style=\"border: 0; padding-top: 20; padding-left: 10; padding-right: 10; padding-bottom: 10;\">";
//display uptime
echo ("$ut");
//end display uptime
echo "";
// Get Current Time
$mtime = microtime();
// Split Seconds and Microseconds
$mtime = explode (" ", $mtime);
// Create a single value for start time
$mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
// Write Start Time Into A Variable
$tstart = $mtime;

// Get current time (Like above) to get end time
$mtime = microtime();
$mtime = explode (" ", $mtime);
$mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
// Store end time in a variable
$tend = $mtime;
// Calculate Difference
$totaltime = ($tend - $tstart);
// Output the result
printf ("<b>Tinklapis u&#254;sikrov&#235; per:</b> %f sekundes", $totaltime);
//end result
echo "<BR>";
echo "<b>Postø per pask. par&#224;: </b>".dbcount("(*)", "posts", "post_datestamp>='".(time() - 86400)."'");
echo "<b>Shoutø per pask. par&#224;: </b>".dbcount("(*)", "shoutbox", "shout_datestamp>='".(time() - 86400)."'");

$result = dbquery("SELECT count(news_id) FROM ".$db_prefix."news");
echo "<b>Naujienø:</b> ".dbresult($result, 0)."\n";

$result = dbquery("SELECT count(article_id) FROM ".$db_prefix."articles");
echo "<b>Straipsniø:</b> ".dbresult($result, 0)."\n";


$result = dbquery("SELECT count(download_id) FROM ".$db_prefix."downloads");
echo "<b>Failø:</b> ".dbresult($result, 0)."\n";
$result = dbquery("SELECT count(thread_id) FROM ".$db_prefix."threads");
echo "<b>Temø forume:</b> ".dbresult($result, 0)."\n";
$result = dbquery("SELECT count(photo_id) FROM ".$db_prefix."photos");
echo "<b>Galerija:</b> ".dbresult($result, 0)."\n";

$result = dbquery("SELECT count(comment_id) FROM ".$db_prefix."comments");
echo "<b>Komentarø:</b> ".dbresult($result, 0)."\n";

$result = dbquery("SELECT count(post_id) FROM ".$db_prefix."posts");
echo "<b>Postø:</b> ".dbresult($result, 0)."\n";


$result = dbquery("SELECT count(user_id) FROM ".$db_prefix."users");
echo "<b>Nariø:</b> ".dbresult($result, 0)."\n";
echo"         </td>
     <td background=\"".THEME."images/emikser_v3_31.jpg\" width=\"197\" height=\"214\" style=\"border: 0; padding-top: 20; padding-left: 10; padding-right: 10; padding-bottom: 10;\">";  echo "<script>
   nereidFadeObjects = new Object();
   nereidFadeTimers = new Object();
   function nereidFade(object, destOp, rate, delta){
      if (!document.all)
      if (object != '[object]'){  //do this so I can take a string too
   diff = destOp-object.filters.alpha.opacity;
   direction = 1;
      if (object.filters.alpha.opacity > destOp){
   direction = -1;
      if (object.filters.alpha.opacity != destOp){
   echo "<center><marquee behavior='scroll' align='center' valign='bottom' direction='up' width='120' height='120' scrollamount='1' scrolldelay='1' onmouseover='this.stop()' onmouseout='this.start()'>";
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."buttons ORDER BY button_order");
while ($data=dbarray($result)) {
   echo "
      <table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' width='120'>
      <tr><td><p align='center'><a class='side' href='".INFUSIONS."button_panel/button.php?button_id=".$data['button_id']."' target='_blank'>";
        if ($data['button_type'] == '1') {
                echo "<img src='".$data['button_pic']."' border='0' style='filter:alpha(opacity=30)' onMouseOver='nereidFade(this,100,10,30)' onMouseOut='nereidFade(this,30,10,5)' title='".$data['button_name']."' alt='".$data['button_name']."'>";
        /* do wyswietlania animacji flash
        if ($data['button_type'] == '2') {
                echo "<OBJECT classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\"
                      <PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false>
                      <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
                      <EMBED width=120 height=60 src=\"".$data['button_pic']."\" menu=\"false\" quality=\"high\" TYPE=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" PLUGINSPAGE=\"http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\">
        if ($data['button_type'] == '3') {
                echo "".$data['button_name']."";
        echo "</a></td></tr></table>";
echo "</marquee></center>";

echo "
     <td background=\"".THEME."images/emikser_v3_32.jpg\" width=\"483\" height=\"214\" style=\"border: 0; padding-top: 20; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; padding-bottom: 10;\"><br><center>"; include(INFUSIONS."brotator/brotator.php"); echo "<br><br>"; include(INFUSIONS."brotator/brotator.php"); echo "</center></td>


<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"937\">
     <td background=\"".THEME."images/emikser_v3_34.jpg\" width=\"917\" height=\"49\" style=\"border: 0; padding-top: 10; padding-left: 10; padding-right: 10; padding-bottom: 10;\">Design & code : <a href='http://www.thegtaplace.lt' title='GTA pasaulis'>Zabello</a> | Powered by:<a href='http://aš'>PHP-Fusion</a>