Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Mano klausimai (phpbb2)

Parašė deivukx· 2008 Gru. 8 20:12:11

w0lf parašė:
kai įnstliuoju yra toks :
-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
// That's all Folks!
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
// Reputation mod v.1.0.0
$lang['Reputation'] = 'Reputation';
$lang['Reputation_Config_Title'] = 'Reputation System Configuration';
$lang['Reputation_Config_Explain'] = 'Here you can set the options for Users Reputation System.';
$lang['Rep_config_updated'] = 'Reputation System config updated';
$lang['Click_return_rep_config'] = '%sReturn to Reputation System config%s';
$lang['Disable_rep'] = 'Disable Reputation System';
$lang['Graphic_version'] = 'Graphic version';
$lang['Show_stats_to_mods'] = 'Show the stats of given points only to administrators/moderators';
$lang['PM_notify'] = 'Notify users through PM when they receive new reputation points';
$lang['Posts_to_earn'] = 'Amount of posts to earn 1 reputation point (0 - to disable)';
$lang['Days_to_earn'] = 'Amount of days on forum to earn 1 reputation point (0 - to disable)';
$lang['Flood_control_time'] = 'Minimum amount of minutes between reputation givings by the same user (no use for admins and mods)';
$lang['Medal1_to_earn'] = 'Amount of reputation points to earn the 1st size medal';
$lang['Medal2_to_earn'] = 'Amount of reputation points to earn the 2nd size medal';
$lang['Medal3_to_earn'] = 'Amount of reputation points to earn the 3rd size medal';
$lang['Medal4_to_earn'] = 'Amount of reputation points to earn the 4th size medal';
$lang['Given_rep_to_earn'] = 'Amount of given reputation to earn 1 reputation point (0 - to disable)';
$lang['Repsum_limit'] = 'Limit of giving reputation points to a user (0 - no limits)';
$lang['Default_amount'] = 'Turn the simple version on and set the default amount of every giving to this number (0 - to disable)';

# STEP 3/3: Updating the database
Then delete them!

#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------

tai čia :#
# STEP 3/3: Updating the database
Then delete them!

ką man čia daryt ?

// That's all Folks!
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

surask ta zodi ir idek tas eilutes, uzdarai ir issaugai.
# STEP 3/3: Updating the database
Then delete them!
eini adresu
kai sudeda sql istrini tuos failus:)