Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1

Parašė pokemonu_karalius· 2009 Rugp. 24 17:08:16

Hallo ;D

taigi aš noriu įsirašyti vieną "Multi Theft Auto" modifikaciją. Ir štai kokią problemą turiu. Štai nuotraukos.


O gavau ir vieną problemos išsprendimą ,bet aš nelabai suprantu vistiek ką daryti.

1. Click on the link to the log file right above the line beginning with "Final Result". A file should open where the majority of lines begin with "MSI".
2. Search for "SOURCEMGMT" (without quotes). A few lines above it should note the missing package. For example (highlight added for emphasis):
Couldn't find local patch 'C:\WINDOWS\Installer\3bb98.msp'. Looking for it at its source.
3. Search ahead from that point for "2203" or "1706" (without quotes). Note the file name within that line. For example (highlight added for emphasis):
Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Temp\OWP15A.tmp\MAINWWsp1.msp 3: -2147287037
4. In this example, MAINWWsp1.msp is part of Office 2007 SP1. If you find a different file name, search the web for any references to that file to determine what to download. Be sure you only download packages from their original manufacturers' web sites. In this example, download http://www.microsoft.com/downloa...DA01F388F5 to %TEMP%.
5. Open an elevated command prompt a change directories to %TEMP%:
cd %TEMP%
6. Extract the contents of the executable package; note that the file name will differ based on the language you downloaded:
office2007sp1-kb936982-fullfile-en-us.exe /extract:"%TEMP%\office_2007_sp1"
7. Copy MAINWWsp1.msp to the location where Windows Installer was originally looking. In this example above, that location is C:\WINDOWS\Installer\3bb98.msp. Remember that this location will vary so you need to check your log file as described above.
copy "%TEMP%\office_2007_sp1\MAINWWsp1.msp C:\WINDOWS\Installer\3bb98.msp

Nesuprantu kaip atlikti šios veiksmus. Arba tiesiog gal žinote kaip sutvarkyti šiuos eror'us.