Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Musu komanda intro paneleje

Parašė Boog3yman· 2009 Lap. 15 20:11:12

Kaip iterpti musu komanda i intro panele, sios kodas cia

| PHP-Fusion 6 Content Management System
| Copyright © 2002 - 2007 Nick Jones
| http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/
| Released under the terms & conditions of v2 of the
| GNU General Public License. For details refer to
| the included gpl.txt file or visit http://gnu.org

| This php code part of Intro Panel for PHP-Fusion
| an alternate way to display Welcome message combined
| with relevant important information in Tabs.
| Code modified for improvement and $locale standards
| by Homy http://www.php-fusion.se 2007-03-03

// Infusion titles & description
// 000 is used as greeting phrase above the tabs
$locale['ip_000'] = "Sveiki atvyke i ".$settings['sitename']."";

//001 is the tab TITLE for the FIRST show tab upon site load
$locale['ip_001'] = "Pasisveikinimo zinute ;]";

//010 is the text/html contained within tab one (001)
$locale['ip_010'] = "<h3>Welcome ;)</h3><span align='justify'><img src='http://www.ltu-ballers.nkk.lt/images/welcome.jpg' style='margin:5px' align=''></span>";

// Next tab title in order
$locale['ip_002'] = "musu komanda";
//Next tab content in order
$locale['ip_020'] = "MUSU KOMANDA NORIU ITERPTI CIA";

// Next tab title in order
$locale['ip_003'] = "Apie Portala";
//Next tab content in order
$locale['ip_030'] = " informacija apie portala";

// Next tab title in order
$locale['ip_004'] = "BLANK";
//Next tab content in order
$locale['ip_040'] = "BLANK";
// Next tab title in order
$locale['ip_005'] = "BLANK";
//Next tab content in order
$locale['ip_050'] = "BLANK";

//TAB ETC...define new locale definitions for more tabs and info.
//Remember to edit the tabs.js file accordingly.

Musu komandos kodas:
//opentable("<center>M?sų komanda</cender> ");
openside("M?sų komanda");

$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_level>='102' ORDER BY user_level DESC,user_id");
while($data = dbarray($result)) {
echo "<br><img src='".BASEDIR."images/avatars/".$data['user_avatar']."' height='45' width='45' border='2'> <a href='profile.php?lookup=".$data['user_id']."'>".$data['user_name']."</a>\n";

$level102 = $locale['user2']; // Administrator
$level103 = $locale['user3']; // Super Administrator


Redagavo Boog3yman· 2009 Lap. 15 20:11:14