Parašė Quintrixer· 2009 Gru. 22 19:12:20
vvytautass parašė:
ziurekit ka atradau ,nereik jokiu kreditiniu tiesiog sekite nurodymus
eikite i
pasirinkite shared hosting
pasirinkite domain
pasirinkite paka 'baby'
pakeiskite koda kur irasyta 'snowman' i 'cactus' (kuris duoda $24.95 nuolaida betkam)arba 'Houston' (kuris duoda $25 nuolaida betkam)
galiausiai kaina yra $0.00
ir megaukites
viskas isbandyta
Your account has been invoiced for $15.00. The coupon code is not valid on domain registrations. At your earliest convenience please login to your billing by going to and using your email address and password.
Please contact us once you have paid your balance so that we may register the domain and set the DNS information appropriately. Once the DNS information has been updated, propagation will take between 24-48 hours.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you
Best regards,
Hayley F.
New and Pending Accounts LLC