Parašė Child· 2008 Rugp. 17 11:08:09
cia yra tokios pat modifikacijos Banner_panel kodas kaip siame saite tik noriu kad pas mane 3 reklamas rodytu o ne viena gal galit padaryt?
//Be sure to alter this to suit your site
//if you uncomment this code the banners will be this size in all areas top,center,side
if (!isset($bannerheight)){$bannerheight='60';}
if (!isset($bannerwidth)){$bannerwidth='468';}
global $db_prefix, $userdata, $locale;
$bresult = dbquery("select * from ".$db_prefix."banner WHERE status='1'");
$gotbanners = dbrows($bresult);
if($gotbanners > "0")
$numrows = dbrows($bresult);
if ($numrows > 3)
$numrows = $numrows-3;
$bannum = mt_rand(0, $numrows);
$bannum = 0;
$bresult2 = dbquery("select * from ".$db_prefix."banner WHERE status='1' limit $bannum,3");
$banner = dbarray($bresult2);
if($numrows > 0)
$banner_display = '<a target="_banner" href="'.INFUSIONS.'banner_panel/click.php?bid='.$banner['bid'].'"><img src="'.$banner['imageurl'].'" border="1" height="'.$bannerheight.'" width="'.$bannerwidth.'"></a>';
//check ownership user to client id
//add the impression
dbquery("update ".$db_prefix."banner set impmade=impmade+1 where bid=$banner[bid]");
//check if it should be ended
//add a date and set status to 0
if($banner['impmade'] >= $banner['imptotal'] && $banner['imptotal']!='0')
dbquery("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."banner SET enddate=NOW( ) , status = '0' WHERE bid =$banner[bid] LIMIT 3 ;");
}//if($numrows > 0)
}//if($bresult != "")