Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Dyaz klausimai

Parašė dyaz· 2010 Rugs. 11 15:09:35


Iterpk jeigu gali, kitą kartą žinosiu. :)

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<LI TYPE=square>You get Free nades each round. (HE,2FB,SG)<br>
<LI TYPE=square>Free Armor+Helm.<br>
<LI TYPE=square>You Get 500$ per kill and per HS 800$.<br>
<LI TYPE=square>You Get 15HP per kill and per HS 30HP.<br>
<LI TYPE=square>You See bullet damage at real time.<br>
<LI TYPE=square>Only VIP can buy Sniper's. (Like AWP).<br>
<LI TYPE=square>Write /vips u will see VIP's online..<br>
<LI TYPE=square>U will can use Admin Chat.<br>
<LI TYPE=square>Slot reservation.<br>
<LI TYPE=square>Only VIP's from 3round will see free gun menu</UL><br>
<font size="1" color=#00c000><strong>What Price of VIP?</strong></font><br>
VIP price: Write your price.<br>
Write ur contact program: <font color=#FF6600>Id here of contacts</font><br><br />
