Parašė shock· 2011 Geg. 19 15:05:51
Step 1: Transfer the imagerotator.swf and imagerotator.xml file from the ZIP to your website. (Make sure that you've also uploaded all photos you want to show onto your site.)
Step 2: Edit the imagerotator.xml file so that it contains the titles, links and image URLs of your images. This can be done by using a simple text editor. If you want to add more photos, just paste additional track blocks in the .xml file.
Step 3: Embed the Image Rotator in your
HTML page with the following lines of code. (Note: If you place the files in different directories, be sure to set the references in this embed code accordingly.)
raso isekstrktuot RAR kuri parsisiuntei ir is to folderio issimti magerotator.swf ir imagerotator.xml failus ir ikelti i savo tinklapi. Tai kur kelt? cia ne
html o
PHP, labai jau stambiai pasakyta - ikelk i tinklapi. Nu ir? Ir ka toliau? kiek bandau idet ka nor si panele niekas nesigauna!
Jaigu rasau padekit, tai ne is tingumo, o is to KAD NESUPRANTU!. Prasau paaiskinti kaip paleisti sita panele ant
PHP v6
LIETUVISKAI, (flag:lt)
Redagavo shock· 2011 Geg. 19 15:05:22