Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: per didelis...

Parašė Reamis· 2009 Spa. 4 17:10:37

edeni parašė:
Pamegink kelt per http://www.ozerov.de/bigdump.php

BigDump: Staggered MySQL Dump Importer v0.30
Processing file: dump.sql
Starting from line: 1

Stopped at the line 324.
At this place the current query includes more than 300 dump lines. That can happen if your dump file was created by some tool which doesn't place a semicolon followed by a linebreak at the end of each query, or if your dump contains extended inserts. Please read the BigDump FAQs for more infos.
Stopped on error


edit: Biški paredagavau .php failą, dabar kelia sql'ą, žiūrėsim kas gausis :o
ačiū, ačiū, ačiū edeni!

Redagavo Reamis· 2009 Spa. 4 17:10:02