Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: PHP-Fusion Copyright Violation

Parašė RAFFAK· 2011 Rugp. 12 20:08:11

Sveiki. Gavau i el. pasta laiska is paciu PHP-Fusion kureju, jog nera tinklapyje copyright ir reikia pirkti licenzija kazkokia. Laiskas labai ir ilgas ir per pora dienu turiu viska padaryti, kitaip kreipsis i hostinga ir tinklapis bus istrintas. Galiu ideti ta copyright, nes ant dizaino jo nebuvo, bet licenzijos pirkti tikrai nezadu, kiek metu naudoju, pirma karta taip dabar. Patarkite kuo skubiau, ka man daryti? Stai visas laiskas, kuri gavau.

From: "Copyright Enforcement" <copyright.enforcement@php-fusion.co.uk>


It has been brought to our attention that your site at
<http://borgomanero1.altervista.org/news.php>www.manonuoroda.lt is
possibly in violation of the
PHP-Fusion License and/or Copyright.

You have removed the PHP-Fusion Copyright, this is not acceptable and a
violation of our
You have removed the AGPL Warranty Notice, this is not acceptable and a
violation of our

We have checked our database and it appears that you have not purchased the
correct license
to remove the footer information.

Please read the following….

PHP Fusion Core 7 - Released under AGPL v3

Free License (GNU/AGPL)

PHP-Fusion v7 is released under the terms and conditions of version 3 of the
GNU Affero
General Public License. For further information please visit
www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/a... or refer to the agpl.txt file
included in the
distribution package. You may alter the code in any way you wish and
redistribute it either as
is or containing your own modifications but it is mandatory that you retain
the "Powered by
PHP-Fusion" footer copyright notice as described in the readme file included
in the
distribution package; or rephrased in such a manner that it does meet the
requirements as stated in the AGPL license text, as quoted:

Terms of AGPL Copyright Notice

Affero GPL version 3 Chapter 0 - Terms and Conditions

An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" to the
extent that it
includes a convenient and prominently visible feature that (1) displays an
copyright notice, and (2) tells the user that there is no warranty for the
work (except to the
extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the work
under this License,
and how to view a copy of this License. If the interface presents a list of
user commands or
options, such as a menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.

This means that the copyright footer of PHP-Fusion may not be altered in
such a way that it
doesn't display our copyright notice in a way that isn't "convenient and
prominently visible",
meaning that no popups linked to graphic images, no tooltip-like solutions
linked to images
etc, are allowed.

With adherence to that, the Copyright Footer must contain the following:

• "Powered by PHP-Fusion" is optional but is requested for clarity purposes;
• Copyright PHP-Fusion 2002-2011 Nick Jones
- with "PHP-Fusion" linking to http://php-fusion.co.uk;
• Released as free software without warranties;
• Link to the Affero GPL version 3 license;
- http://www.fsf.org/licensing/lic...-3.0.html.

If the Copyright Notice Footer does not contain the 3 key elements clearly
displayed without
the correct licensing it will be deemed a breach of contract, your domain
will be added to the
copyright violators database and we reserve the right to inform your host
which could result
in your site being removed.

If the Copyright Notice Footer does not contain the 3 key elements as
described above, this
invalidates the license and could be subject to prosecution by FSF terms.

If you for some reason do not feel comfortable with this solution, please
consider to purchase
a copyright removal license instead, see below for details.

Licenses Available

See here for available licenses


Please replace the missing copyright immediately.

Replacing the Copyright
To replace the copyright please see the file from the PHP-Fusion Core
/includes/theme_functions_includes.php in that file is where the Copyright
Function is called.

If the copyright is missing from a theme.php you must put the following in
the theme footer...

if ($license == false) { echo showcopyright()."<br /><br />\n"; }

If you
help to replace the Copyright please go to the PHP-Fusion Main site and post
a thread where
someone will be happy to help you replace it.

Further Action
If no compliance further possible action will be taken.
If the PHP-Fusion Copyright and AGPL Warranty Notice is not replaced within
2 days of
receiving this email further action will be taken which could lead to a Ban
from all official
PHP-Fusion Network Sites, no support will be given to you on all PHP-Fusion
Network sites
and your host may be informed of this violation which could lead to your web
site being
closed down or suspended.

If you have any further questions or need any further information regarding
Licensing please contact PHP-fusion Licensing Team at