Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: WB Klausimai

Parašė WantedBoy· 2009 Sau. 15 21:01:27

Dar vienas klausimėlis:

Reikia įterpti šį kodą:
$dovana = ".$gift['gift_image'].";

Bndžiau kaip tik mokėjau, bet nepavyko :|

Į šį kodą:

| PHP-Fusion 6 Content Management System
| Copyright © 2002 - 2006 Nick Jones
| http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/
| Released under the terms & conditions of v2 of the
| GNU General Public License. For details refer to
| the included gpl.txt file or visit http://gnu.org
require_once "../../maincore.php";
require_once BASEDIR."subheader.php";
require_once BASEDIR."side_left.php";

include INFUSIONS."players/includes/functions.php";

// Check if locale file is available matching the current site locale setting.
if (file_exists(INFUSIONS."players/locale/".LOCALESET."/show_all.php")) {
   // Load the locale file matching the current site locale setting.
   include INFUSIONS."players/locale/".LOCALESET."/show_all.php";
} else {
   // Load the infusion's default locale file.
   include INFUSIONS."players/locale/English/show_all.php";

if ($lookup == $userdata['user_id']) {
   $access = "2";
} else {
   $access = "1";

if (!isset($status)) $status = "";

$gift_images = true;

$user2 = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_id='$lookup'"));

if (($lookup == $userdata['user_id']) && (isset($lookup)) && (isNum($lookup)) && (isset($step)) && ($step=="delete") && (isset($gift_id)) && (isNum($gift_id))) {
   $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."players_given WHERE gift_given_to='$lookup' AND gift_given_id='$gift_id'");
   if (dbrows($result)) {
      $data = dbarray($result);
      $gift = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."players WHERE gift_id='".$data['gift_given_gift_id']."'"));
      $result = dbquery("DELETE FROM ".$db_prefix."players_given WHERE gift_given_id='".$gift_id."'"); // Delete the Gift
      $result = dbquery("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."players SET gift_bought=gift_bought-1 WHERE gift_id='".$gift['gift_id']."'"); //Update Gifts Bought
   } else {


if ((isset($lookup)) && (isNum($lookup))) {

   if(isset($status) && $status == "deleted") echo "<table width='100%' align='center'><tr><td align='center'><b>".$locale['sfgift510']."</b><br /><br /></td></tr></table>";
   if(isset($status) && $status == "error1") echo "<table width='100%' align='center'><tr><td align='center'><b>".$locale['sfgift511']."</b><br /><br /></td></tr></table>";
   echo "<table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='100%' class='tbl-border'>
   <td colspan='3' class='tbl1'>\n";

   $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."players_given WHERE gift_given_to='$lookup' AND gift_given_visibillity<='$access' ORDER BY gift_given_id");
   $rows = dbrows($result);
   if ($rows != 0) {
      $counter = 0; $columns = 3;
      $align = $gift_images ? "center" : "left";
      echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>\n<tr>\n";
      while ($data = dbarray($result)) {

         $gift = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."players WHERE gift_id='".$data['gift_given_gift_id']."'"));
         $user = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_id='".$data['gift_given_from']."'"));
         if ($counter != 0 && ($counter % $columns == 0)) echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
         echo "<td align='$align' width='25%' class='tbl'>";
         echo "<span class='small'><img src='".INFUSIONS."players/images/".$gift['gift_image']."' alt='".$gift['gift_image']."' style='border:0px;'></span>$rest $playername<br>";
            if (($data['gift_given_visibillity'] == '1') && ($lookup != $userdata['user_id'])) {
               echo "Anonymous";
            } else {
               echo "


         if ($lookup == $userdata['user_id']) {
            echo "
 <a href='".FUSION_SELF."?lookup=".$lookup."&step=delete&gift_id=".$data['gift_given_id']."'>I&#353;trinti</a>
         echo "</td>\n";
      echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
   } else {
      echo "<center><br>\n".$locale['sfgift501']."<br><br>\n</center>\n";
   echo "</td>\n</tr>\n
   <td colspan='3' align='right' class='tbl1'><a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=".$lookup."'>".$locale['sfgift502']."</td>
} else {


require_once BASEDIR."side_right.php";