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Forumas | PHP-Fusion, WordPress, Shopify, PHP ir MySQL (PROGRAMAVIMAS) | Žaliems |
Autorius: sh3fas | Peržiūrų: 1728 ![]() |
sh3fas Narys Spalvotas Pranešimai: 39 Įstojęs: 2008 Geg. 15 12:05:55 | |
Sveiki, reikalingas tarpas event calendar pažymėtoje vietoje nuotraukoje. Tarpą pavyko padaryti su <br> kodu po kalendoriumi ir Šiandien įvykiais. Bet nepavyksta niekaip įterpti į reikiamą vietą kad atskirtu pavadinimą Renginių kalendorius ir mėnesius didesniu tarpu. Pridedu nuotrauką, taip pat php faila kuriame mėginu keisti aw_ecal_panel. Gal kas galit pasakyti kokiose vietose reikia rašyti <br> ar koki kitą kodą jog būtų padaromas tarpas? Renginių kalendorius pavadinimas yra užkoduotas EC001 kodu faile. ![]() Php failas aw_ecal_panel: <?php /*************************************************************************** * awEventCalendar * * * * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Artur Wiebe * * * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ if(!defined('IN_FUSION')) { die; } require_once(INFUSIONS.'aw_ecal_panel/include/core.php'); echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.INFUSIONS.'aw_ecal_panel/include/boxover.js"></script>'; /**************************************************************************** * FUNCS */ if(!function_exists('awec_post_process_events')) { function awec_post_process_events_sort_today($a, $b) { if($a == $b) { return 0; } if(!$a['start_time'] || !$b['start_time']) { return -1; } $a_start = str_replace(':', '', $a['start_time']); $b_start = str_replace(':', '', $b['start_time']); if($a_start == $b_start) { return 0; } return ($a_start>$b_start ? 1 : -1); } function awec_post_process_events(&$events, &$out, $compress_daylies=false) { global $ec_today, $ec_tomorrow, $locale, $awec_settings; $count = 0; $out = array( 'today' => array(), 'tomorrow' => array(), 'others' => array(), ); $current = 'others'; $path_event = INFUSIONS.'aw_ecal_panel/view_event.php?id='; $path_birthday = INFUSIONS.'aw_ecal_panel/birthday.php?id='; $show_details = ($awec_settings['show_today_in_panel'] ? true : false); // dayly recurring events are only shown once. Array contains event_id. $ignore_daylies = array(); foreach($events as $year => $y_data) { ksort($y_data, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach($y_data as $month => $m_data) { ksort($m_data, SORT_NUMERIC); $today_month = ($ec_today['mon']==$month && $ec_today['year']==$year); $tomorrow_month = ($ec_tomorrow['mon']==$month && $ec_tomorrow['year']==$year); foreach($m_data as $mday => $d_data) { if($today_month && $ec_today['mday']==$mday) { $current = 'today'; } else if($tomorrow_month && $ec_tomorrow['mday']==$mday) { $current = 'tomorrow'; } else { $current = 'others'; } if($current == 'today') { usort($d_data, 'awec_post_process_events_sort_today'); } foreach($d_data as $ev) { $item = ''; $event_compressed = false; if($compress_daylies && $ev['ev_repeat']==AWEC_REP_DAY) { if(in_array($ev['event_id'], $ignore_daylies)) { continue; } $ignore_daylies[] = $ev['event_id']; $event_compressed = true; $item .= awec_format_daily_date($ev['ev_start']); if($ev['ev_end']!='0000-00-00') { $item .= ' - '.awec_format_daily_date($ev['ev_end']); } $item .= ' '; } if($ev['is_birthday']) { $path = $path_birthday.$ev['user_id']; } else { $path = $path_event.$ev['event_id']; } $link = '<a href="'.$path.'">' .$ev['ev_title'].'</a>'; // today/tomorrow if($current!='others') { if($ev['start_time']) { $item .= $ev['start_time']; if($ev['end_time']) { $item .= '-'.$ev['end_time']; } $item .= ' '; } // others } else { if(!$event_compressed) { $item .= awec_format_fucking_date($year, $month, $mday, $ev['start_time'], $ev['end_time'], $link).' '; $link = ''; } } $item .= $link; if($ev['is_birthday']) { $item .= ' <img src="'.INFUSIONS.'aw_ecal_panel/icons/birthday.gif" alt="'.$locale['EC712'].'" title="'.$locale['EC712'].'" />'; } if($show_details && $current=='today') { $body = explode(stripinput(AWEC_BREAK), $ev['ev_body']); $body[0] = parseubb($body[0]); // $body = parseubb($ev['ev_body']); // $body = explode(stripinput(AWEC_BREAK), $body); if(count($body)>1) { $body[0] .= ' <a href="'.$path.'">'.$locale['EC207'].'</a>'; } $item .= '<br /><span class="small">'.$body[0].'</span>'; } $out[$current][] = $item; ++$count; } } } } return $count; } } /**************************************************************************** * GUI */ openside($locale['EC001']); $content = array(); $month = ($ec_month<10 ? '0' : '').$ec_month; for($i=1; $i<=31; ++$i) { $content[$i] = array( 'style' => 'empty', //XXX 'data' => '<a href="'.INFUSIONS.'aw_ecal_panel/calendar.php?cal=day&date='.$ec_year.'-'.$month.'-'.($i<10 ? '0' : '').$i.'">'.($i<10 ? ' ' : '').$i.'</a>', 'data' => ($i<10 ? ' ' : '').$i, ); } $events = array(); $needle = array( 'from' => $ec_year.'-'.$month.'-01', 'to' => $ec_year.'-'.$month.'-'.$awec_last_day, ); awec_get_events($needle, $events, false); if(count($events)) { foreach($events[$ec_year][$ec_month] as $day => $more) { $birthday_style = ''; $btext = ''; foreach($more as $day_data) { $title = $day_data['ev_title']; $btext .= '<li>'.$day_data['ev_title'].'</li>'; if($day_data['is_birthday']) { $birthday_style = ' birthday'; } } if(!empty($btext)) { //FIXME? why the space? $btext = ' <ul>'.$btext.'</ul>'; $btext = '<ul>'.$btext.'</ul>'; } $btext = phpentities($btext); $btitle = phpentities('<strong>'.$day.'. '.$locale['EC900'][$ec_month].'</strong>'); /*FIXME.begin*/ $btext = str_replace("%", "%%", $btext); $btitle = str_replace("%", "%%", $btitle); /*FIXME.end*/ $content[$day] = array( 'style' => 'content'.$birthday_style, 'data' => '<a href="'.INFUSIONS.'aw_ecal_panel/calendar.php?cal=day&date='.$ec_year.'-'.$month .'-'.($day<10 ? '0' : '').$day.'"' .' title="cssbody=['.$awec_styles['bo_body'].'] cssheader=['.$awec_styles['bo_head'].'] header=['.$btitle.'] body=['.$btext.']">%2s</a>', ); } } if($ec_is_this_month) { $content[$ec_today['mday']]['style'] = 'current'; } $pyear = $ec_year; $nyear = $ec_year; $pmonth = $ec_month-1; $nmonth = $ec_month+1; if($pmonth<1) { $pmonth = 12; $pyear = $ec_year-1; } elseif($nmonth>12) { $nmonth = 1; $nyear = $ec_year+1; } $path = INFUSIONS.'aw_ecal_panel'; $href = FUSION_SELF; unset($_GET['y']); unset($_GET['m']); $gets = array(); foreach($_GET as $key => $val) { $gets[] = stripinput("$key=$val"); } $href = FUSION_SELF.'?'.(count($gets) ? implode('&', $gets).'&' : ''); // pad title!!! $cur_title = $locale['EC900'][$ec_month].' '.$ec_year; /**/ $title = str_repeat(' ', max((20-strlen($cur_title))/2, 3)-3) .'<a href="'.$href.'y='.$pyear.'&m='.$pmonth.'"><<</a> <a href="'.$path.'/index.php?y='.$ec_year.'&m='.$ec_month.'">'.$cur_title.'</a> <a href="'.$href.'y='.$nyear.'&m='.$nmonth.'">>></a>'; /**/ /* $title = ' <table border="0" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="left"> <a href="'.$href.'y='.$pyear.'&m='.$pmonth.'">«</a> </td> <td align="center"> <a href="'.$path.'/index.php?y='.$ec_year.'&m='.$ec_month.'">'.$cur_title.'</a> </td> <td align="right"> <a href="'.$href.'y='.$nyear.'&m='.$nmonth.'">»</a> </td> </tr> </thead> </table>'; */ if($awec_settings['use_alt_side_calendar']) { awec_render_alt_cal($ec_month, $ec_year, $title, $content, 0, false, $awec_settings['sun_first_dow']=='yes'); } else { awec_render_cal($ec_month, $ec_year, $title, $content, 0, false, $awec_settings['sun_first_dow']=='yes'); } if(iMEMBER && false) { echo ' <ul>'; if(iAWEC_POST) { echo ' <li><a href="'.$path.'/edit_event.php">'.$locale['EC200'].'</a></li>'; } echo ' <li><a href="'.$path.'/my_events.php">'.$locale['EC204'].'</a></li> <li><a href="'.$path.'/my_logins.php">'.$locale['EC206'].'</a></li>'; if(awec_admin_access()) { echo ' <li><a href="'.$path.'/admin.php">'.$locale['EC700'].'</a></li>'; } echo ' </ul>'; } if(iAWEC_ADMIN && ff_db_count("(*)", AWEC_DB_EVENTS, "(ev_status='".AWEC_PENDING."')")) { echo ' <div style="text-align:center;"> <p> <strong><a href="'.$path.'/new_events.php">'.$locale['EC203'].'</a></strong> </p> </div>'; } /* * show next x days */ if($awec_settings['next_days_in_panel']) { $from_time = $awec_now; $to_time = $from_time+($awec_settings['next_days_in_panel']-1)*86400; $events = array(); $needle = array( 'from' => date('Y-m-d', $from_time), 'to' => date('Y-m-d', $to_time), ); awec_get_events($needle, $events, false); $out = array(); $count = awec_post_process_events($events, $out, true); if(!$count) { echo ' <p> <span class="small">'.$locale['awec_no_events'].'</span> </p>'; } $more = 0; foreach($out as $type => $content) { if(!count($content)) { continue; } if($type!='others' || $more) { echo ' <br> <strong>'.$locale['EC209'][$type].':</strong> </br>'; } echo ' <ul> <li>'.implode("</li>\n\t<li>", $content).'</li> </ul>'; ++$more; } } /* * birthdays */ if(!$awec_settings['birthdays_are_events'] && $awec_settings['show_birthday_to_group']>=0 && checkgroup($awec_settings['show_birthday_to_group'])) { $res = dbquery("SELECT user_name, user_birthdate, user_id, user_avatar, (YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(user_birthdate)) AS years_old FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE MONTH(user_birthdate)='".date('n')."' AND DAYOFMONTH(user_birthdate)='".date("j")."'"); if(dbrows($res)) { $path = INFUSIONS.'aw_ecal_panel'; echo ' <img src="'.$path.'/icons/birthday.gif" alt="'.$locale['EC712'].'" style="vertical-align:bottom;"> <strong>'.$locale['EC205'].':</strong> <ul>'; while($data = dbarray($res)) { if(empty($data['user_avatar'])) { $img = INFUSIONS.'aw_ecal_panel/icons/noav.gif'; } else { $img = BASEDIR.'images/avatars/' .$data['user_avatar']; } $header = sprintf($locale['awec_user_birthday']['title'], $data['user_name'], $data['years_old']); $body = '<img src="'.$img.'" alt="'.$data['user_name'].'" />'; $body .= '<br />'.str_replace( array('%1', '%2'), array($data['user_name'], $data['years_old']), $locale['awec_user_birthday']['body']); echo ' <li><a href="'.BASEDIR.'profile.php?lookup='.$data['user_id'].'" title="cssbody[tbl1] cssheader=[tbl2] header=['.phpentities($header).'] body=['.phpentities($body).']">'.$data['user_name'].'</a> ('.$data['years_old'].')</li>'; } echo ' </li>'; } } closeside(); ?> |
Žmogus Narys Viršesnis už Dievą Pranešimai: 5621 Įstojęs: 2006 Gru. 8 17:12:08 | |
Pabandyk po: openside($locale['EC001']); pridėti:
sh3fas Narys Spalvotas Pranešimai: 39 Įstojęs: 2008 Geg. 15 12:05:55 | |
Žmogus parašė: Pabandyk po: openside($locale['EC001']); pridėti:
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