Reklama 400x60
siuntiniu kateorijos error
Forumas | PHP-Fusion, WordPress, Shopify, PHP ir MySQL (PROGRAMAVIMAS) | Žaliems
Autorius: bucasz
Peržiūrų: 562
Pranešimai: 30
Įstojęs: 2010 Rugp. 26 17:08:16
taigi snd idieiau nauja siuntiniu kategorija ir dabar nebeina ten net ieiti y ja
meta toki errora
Table 'gmouse_fusion.fusion_download_settings' doesn't existTable 'gmouse_fusion.fusion_download_settings' doesn't exist
The section is temporarily closed.
ka patartumet?
Pranešimai: 30
Įstojęs: 2010 Rugp. 26 17:08:16
cia yra downloads failas kuri imetu y php direktorija ir atsiranda tas erroras gal kas ptaisyt galetumet nes nzn ka cia kur taisyt nk nematau.
if ( $res == 0 ) { redirect( "downloads.php" ) ; }
if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ 'cat_id' ] ) || ! isnum( $_GET [ 'cat_id' ] ) ) {
opentable( $locale [ '400' ] ) ;
echo "<!--pre_download_idx-->\n " ;
$result = dbquery( "SELECT * FROM " . DB_DOWNLOAD_CATS. " WHERE " . groupaccess( 'download_cat_access' ) . " ORDER BY download_cat_name" ) ;
$rows = dbrows( $result ) ;
if ( $rows ) {
$counter = 0 ; $columns = 2 ;
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>\n <tr>\n " ;
while ( $data = dbarray( $result ) ) {
if ( $counter != 0 && ( $counter % $columns == 0 ) ) { echo "</tr>\n <tr>\n " ; }
$num = dbcount( "(download_cat)" , DB_DOWNLOADS, "download_cat='" . $data [ 'download_cat_id' ] . "'" ) ;
echo "<td valign='top' width='50%' c lass='tbl download_idx_cat_name'><!--download_idx_cat_name--><a href='" . FUSION_SELF. "?cat_id=" . $data [ 'download_cat_id' ] . "'>" . $data [ 'download_cat_name' ] . "</a> <span class='small2'>($num )</span>" ;
if ( $data [ 'download_cat_description' ] != "" ) { echo "<br />\n <span class='small'>" . $data [ 'download_cat_description' ] . "</span>" ; }
echo "</td>\n " ;
$counter ++;
echo "</tr>\n </table>\n " ;
} else {
echo "<div style='text-align:center'><br />\n " . $locale [ '430' ] . "<br /><br />\n </div>\n " ;
echo "<!--sub_download_idx-->" ;
closetable( ) ;
} else {
$res = 0 ;
$result = dbquery( "SELECT * FROM " . DB_DOWNLOAD_CATS. " WHERE download_cat_id='" . $_GET [ 'cat_id' ] . "'" ) ;
if ( dbrows( $result ) != 0 ) {
$cdata = dbarray( $result ) ;
if ( checkgroup( $cdata [ 'download_cat_access' ] ) ) {
$res = 1 ;
add_to_title( $locale [ 'global_201' ] . $cdata [ 'download_cat_name' ] ) ;
opentable( $locale [ '400' ] . ": " . $cdata [ 'download_cat_name' ] ) ;
echo "<!--pre_download_cat-->" ;
$rows = dbcount( "(*)" , DB_DOWNLOADS, "download_cat='" . $_GET [ 'cat_id' ] . "'" ) ;
if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ 'rowstart' ] ) || ! isnum( $_GET [ 'rowstart' ] ) ) { $_GET [ 'rowstart' ] = 0 ; }
if ( $rows != 0 ) {
$result = dbquery( "SELECT * FROM " . DB_DOWNLOADS. " WHERE download_cat='" . $_GET [ 'cat_id' ] . "' ORDER BY " . $cdata [ 'download_cat_sorting' ] . " LIMIT " . $_GET [ 'rowstart' ] . ",15" ) ;
$numrows = dbrows( $result ) ; $i = 1 ;
while ( $data = dbarray( $result ) ) {
if ( $data [ 'download_datestamp' ] + 604800 > time ( ) + ( $settings [ 'timeoffset' ] * 3600 ) ) {
$new = " <span class='small'>" . $locale [ '410' ] . "</span>" ;
} else {
$new = "" ;
echo "<table width='100%' c ellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' class='tbl-border'>\n " ;
echo "<tr>\n <td colspan='3' class='forum-caption'><strong>" . $data [ 'download_title' ] . "</strong> $new </td>\n </tr>\n " ;
if ( $data [ 'download_description' ] ) { echo "<tr>\n <td colspan='3' class='tbl1'>" . nl2br ( stripslashes ( $data [ 'download_description' ] ) ) . "</td>\n </tr>\n " ; }
echo "<tr>\n <td width='30%' c lass='tbl2'><strong>" . $locale [ '411' ] . "</strong> " . $data [ 'download_license' ] . "</td>\n <td width='30%' c lass='tbl1'><strong>" . $locale [ '412' ] . "</strong> " . $data [ 'download_os' ] . "</td>\n " ;
echo "<td width='40%' c lass='tbl2'><strong>" . $locale [ '413' ] . "</strong> " . $data [ 'download_version' ] . "</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td width='30%' c lass='tbl2'><strong>" . $locale [ '414' ] . "</strong> " . showdate( "shortdate" , $data [ 'download_datestamp' ] ) . "</td>\n " ;
echo "<td width='30%' c lass='tbl1'><strong>" . $locale [ '415' ] . "</strong> " . $data [ 'download_count' ] . "</td>\n <td width='40%' c lass='tbl2'><a href='" . FUSION_SELF. "?cat_id=" . $_GET [ 'cat_id' ] . "&download_id=" . $data [ 'download_id' ] . "' target='_blank'>" . $locale [ '416' ] . "</a> (" . $data [ 'download_filesize' ] . ")</td>\n </tr>\n " ;
echo "</table>\n " ;
if ( $i != $numrows ) { echo "<div style='text-align:center'><img src='" . get_image( "blank" ) . "' alt='' height='15' width='1' /></div>\n " ; $i ++; }
closetable( ) ;
if ( $rows > 15 ) { echo "<div align='center' style=';margin-top:5px;'>\n " . makepagenav( $_GET [ 'rowstart' ] , 15 , $rows , 3 , FUSION_SELF. "?cat_id=" . $_GET [ 'cat_id' ] . "&" ) . "\n </div>\n " ; }
} else {
echo "<div style='text-align:center'>" . $locale [ '431' ] . "</div>\n " ;
echo "<!--sub_download_cat-->" ;
closetable( ) ;
if ( $res == 0 ) { redirect( FUSION_SELF) ; }
require_once THEMES. "templates/footer.php" ;
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