Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Sninga ir prisninga

Parašė ozzWANTED· 2007 Gru. 11 21:12:04

Toonis ten ieškojo tokio kodo. Tai vat.

Technical Notes
SnowStorm works under most of the current major browsers (IE 5.x+, Netscape 6+). Testing has been limited to those browsers on PC/Mac. If you are seeing snow as you read this, then the script is working as expected.

Thanks to the PNG format and a "wrapper" class written to support it, the benefits of alpha transparency can be seen on most browsers with this implementation. IE requires the use of a proprietary DXFilter to properly display PNG images with alpha transparency, but this is handled "automagically" by the PNG wrapper class.

The snow script relies on a PNG handler class to add PNG functionality where applicable. Support for PNG can be removed easily enough also, if desired. Slower machines on IE:win32 may notice slightly improved performance when using GIF over PNG, but this has not been thoroughly tested.

One Javascript reference is required. Aside from customization and images, that's it.

<script type="text/javascript" src="script/snowstorm.js"></script>
This file is viewable under the script directory.

File Structure
The script looks for snow images under ./image/snow/ by default as shown below. If desired, this can be changed in the user-configurable section.

+ image/
+ snow/
+ script/
Configurable Properties
SnowStorm can be fairly easily customized; some of the major properties are listed below.

Enables PNG images if supported. false disables all PNG usage and uses GIFs - may run slightly faster on older systems.
The relative path to the snowflake PNG/GIF images. eg. image/snow/ (note the trailing slash - important)
Sets the range of snowflake images to use. eg. a value of 5 will use images ranging from 0.png (or .gif) to 4.png.
Sets the maximum number of snowflakes that can exist on the screen at any given time.
Sets the limit of "falling" snowflakes (ie. moving on the screen, thus considered to be active.)
Defines the maximum X and Y velocities for the storm; a random value in this range is selected for each snowflake.
Width (pixels) allocated for ech snowflake image.
Height (pixels) allocated for each snowflake image.
Limits the "floor" (pixels) of the snow. If unspecified, snow will "stick" to the bottom of the browser window and persists through browser resize/scrolling.
Specifies whether or not snow should be allowed to stack and pile up. Can eventually be very CPU-intensive.

Skripto oficialus puslapis:


<script type="text/javascript" src="script/snowstorm.js"></script>

Kišate į savo saito subheader.php failą.

Redagavo ozzWANTED· 2007 Gru. 12 17:12:06

Parašė Creatium· 2007 Gru. 11 21:12:49

Jega, labai fainas dalykas! Aciu :)

Parašė ApelsinaS· 2007 Gru. 11 22:12:32

didelis dekui ;)

Parašė armani· 2007 Gru. 12 03:12:23

visai neblogai bet kokiai valandai buvau palikes daugiau nei puse cm neprisnigo ?|

Parašė DuRaCeLL· 2007 Gru. 12 12:12:32

Dėkui ozzWANTED, armani - jis tirpsta. ;)

Parašė CyberGod· 2007 Gru. 12 12:12:33

Man patiko sitas :)

Parašė MAnjack· 2007 Gru. 12 13:12:24

Gal kas pavyzdį galit parodyt? :)

Parašė Toonis· 2007 Gru. 12 14:12:58

DUMB. :|

Parašė MAnjack· 2007 Gru. 12 14:12:37

Nepastebėjau :D

Parašė ozzWANTED· 2007 Gru. 12 18:12:16

O mane asmeniškai tokie skriptai labai biesina ir nervina. Labai nemėgstu javascript tokio tipo addition'ų. Ir dėmėsį maišo ir skaityt trukdo... O KING lordų saite vopščė jau blogiau už tas kilometrines snaiges nei būt negali.

Parašė Ptycka· 2007 Gru. 12 18:12:55

Nu tik sventinems nuotaikoms toki ikalt...o taip sutinku su ozz

Parašė Lordcraft· 2007 Gru. 12 20:12:32

ozzWANTED parašė:
O mane asmeniškai tokie skriptai labai biesina ir nervina. Labai nemėgstu javascript tokio tipo addition'ų. Ir dėmėsį maišo ir skaityt trukdo... O KING lordų saite vopščė jau blogiau už tas kilometrines snaiges nei būt negali.

tu tik dabar taip sakai kad nervina o poto patiks nes sniega tik internete tegalesi pamatyti :D as seis metais sniego dar nemaciau...

Parašė Liutuxxx· 2009 Vas. 22 19:02:02

o tai ja det prie modifikaciju?:)

Parašė arturas88· 2009 Kov. 5 18:03:33

[c]Liutuxxx parašė:
o tai ja det prie modifikaciju?:)[/mesk ten kur nori,kad prismigtu