Temos pavadinimas: WordPress, Shopify ir PHPFusion programuotojų bendruomenė :: Gintulio Klausimai/Prašymai

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Lie. 31 14:07:53

Gal kas turi naujienų pateikimo modą su bb kodais? Jei negaila pasidalinkit :)

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugp. 1 04:08:44

Tai niekas neturi tokio dalyko pasidares?

Parašė ozzWANTED· 2009 Rugp. 1 04:08:45

Aš turiu. Šiame saite jis naudojamas tik ne kaip naujienų, o kaip straipsnių pateikimo variantas. Kaina 60 Lt.

Parašė shit-· 2009 Rugp. 1 04:08:05

Už ką tiek mokėti? ^^
Tuos bbcodes lengva pasidaryti, pats pasidariau pas save.

Parašė ozzWANTED· 2009 Rugp. 1 04:08:47

Na tai jeigu lengva, kam kurti temą :). Na o tiems kas nesugeba pasidaryti, galiu parduoti. Kad visiškai lengva, tikrai nesakyčiau, nes 5 failus redaguoti reikia: pateikimo, pateikimo patvirtinimo, administravimo, news.php ir theme.php .

Parašė shit-· 2009 Rugp. 1 04:08:37

Nu, bet vistiek 60Lt kažkaip... Dėl tokio darbelio... (:

Parašė weberiz· 2009 Rugp. 1 06:08:33

sorry už OT bet ozzWANTED suprasčiau kad tau reiktu daryt dabar neturetum bet tu turi ir esi beveik vienas TVS populeraus saito admin kur sedi beveik visi webmasteriai (saito turetojiai) ir gaili dar pasidalint? vien džaugtis turi kad tiek renkasi žmoniu kaipsakant duok kaška žmonems jeigu turi pasidaryta kaipsakant negailek ir duot pvz jeigu aš už moda nemokejau pinigu radau ir isiverčiau tai man negaila ir kitam duoti.

kaipsakant ozz nebuk gailišius :)

bet kaipsakant tavo valia doti nedoti

arba padaryk kokia mokama biblioteka PVZ VIP tegaletu matyt pvz tavo modai sukurti jeigu kaipsakant bent tiek šeip geras patarimas daug kas verstusi VIP jeigu ant GUEST surašytum kokia yra VIP tai dauguma pasidarytu VIP :D

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugp. 18 15:08:11

Gal kas gali padaryti kad šios panėlės nematytu prisijunge vartotojai štai panėlės kodas :

  echo "<center>
<h1>Tu dar neužsiregistraves? Nieko nelauk ir <a href='http://www.wiskas.xz.lt/register.php' target='_blank'><span style='color:red'>Registruokis</span></a></h1>

Redagavo gintulys· 2009 Rugp. 18 15:08:18

Parašė Poker· 2009 Rugp. 18 15:08:36

kur sedi beveik visi webmasteriai (saito turetojiai)

Prajuokino,ce net 10% nesedi lietuvos webmasteriu.Ir jai fusion moki instalint jau esi webmasteris?:D

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugp. 18 16:08:04

Tai niekas typo nemoka padaryt ?

Parašė edis2· 2009 Rugp. 18 17:08:38

Naudokis paieška: https://webdnd.com/if-funkcija,s86

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 14 20:09:51

Gal kas gali pakeisti ši koduka kad roditu kas ikėlė dainą

<td align='right'><img src='http://wiskas.xz.lt/images/bullet.gif'<a> Ikėlė:</td>
<td align='right'>".$data['download_count']."</td>

Redagavo gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 14 20:09:13

Parašė fLap· 2009 Rugs. 14 20:09:58

gintulys parašė:
Gal kas gali pakeisti ši koduka kad roditu kas ikėlė dainą

<td align='right'><img src='http://wiskas.xz.lt/images/bullet.gif'<a> Ikėlė:</td>
<td align='right'>".$data['download_license']."</td>

<td align='right'><img src='http://wiskas.xz.lt/images/bullet.gif'<a> Ikėlė:</td>
<td align='right'>".$data['download_license']."</td>

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 14 21:09:02

Nerašo niko kas ikėlė

Parašė Žmogus· 2009 Rugs. 14 21:09:02

Tai čia reikai spec siuntinių modo, kad rodytu

Parašė fLap· 2009 Rugs. 14 21:09:25

gintulys parašė:
Nerašo niko kas ikėlė

Tai tu į licenzija rašyk savo nick. ;)

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 18 01:09:57


Redagavo gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 19 02:09:03

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 19 02:09:19

Kas nors galėtu pakeisti iš tokios panėlės:

Į tokia:

Ir gal pasidalintu koduku :)

Redagavo gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 19 02:09:56

Parašė djvista· 2009 Rugs. 20 21:09:41

cia gintuly ziuriu tik viena po kito duodi darba seip atmintinai neatsimenuas tu scriptu taciau viska pasigaminu is modu copy paste, paziurek user_info_panel kur rodyt avatara iskiprk skripta ikelk i ta komentatoriu top panele, tik nustatyk kad sumazintu, nu krc tu pasiknaisiok po sudeti modu, as taip ir pramokau kurti visa s....:s
idek ta pradine paneles nuoroda jei turesiu laiku padarysiu :)

Redagavo djvista· 2009 Rugs. 20 21:09:38

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 22 17:09:18

Tai aš čia neduočiau klausimo jei ji mokėčiau. Bandžiau ne viena karta, bet nepavyko todėl ir prašau kytu pagalbos :)

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 24 18:09:16

Gal kas gali padaryti štai šita koda
<img border='0' alt='".$locale['on106']."' title='".$locale['on106']."' src='".BASEDIR."images/avatars/".$userdata['user_avatar']."'>

pakeisti su šiuo kur pažimėta ryškiau noriu kad roditu avataro vietui niko :)

openside ("Šaukyklos Top 10");
$result=dbquery("SELECT user_name, user_location, user_icq, user_id, count(user_id) AS shout_count FROM ".$db_prefix."shoutbox INNER JOIN
".$db_prefix."users ON shout_name=user_id GROUP BY user_name ORDER BY shout_count DESC LIMIT 0,10");
echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
echo "<tr><td class='small2' align='left'> <img src='http://wiskas.lt/images/bullet.gif' </a> <a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=$data[user_id]' class='side'>";
echo "$data[user_name]</a></td><td class='small2' align='right'>[$data[shout_count]]</td></tr>";

echo "</table>";


Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 25 00:09:38

Na kaip matau į mano klausimus nelabai mėgsate acakinėti tai užduosiu toki lengva klausimėli :)
Yra paprasčiausias reklamos kodas ir kaip padaryt kad ji paspaudus išmestu 2 puslapius?

Parašė Narysx· 2009 Rugs. 25 12:09:24

openside ("Šaukyklos Top 10");

$result=dbquery("SELECT user_name, user_location, user_icq, user_id, count(user_id) AS shout_count FROM ".$db_prefix."shoutbox INNER JOIN
".$db_prefix."users ON shout_name=user_id GROUP BY user_name ORDER BY shout_count DESC LIMIT 0,10");
echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
echo "<tr><td class='small2' align='left'> <img src='http://wiskas.lt/images/bullet.gif' </a> <a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=$data[user_id]' class='side'>";
echo "<img border='0' alt='".$locale['on106']."' title='".$locale['on106']."' src='".BASEDIR."images/avatars/".$data['user_avatar']."'></a></td><td class='small2' align='right'>[$data[shout_count]]</td></tr>";

echo "</table>";


Tiksliai nežinau, ar veiks...

Redagavo Narysx· 2009 Rugs. 25 12:09:35

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 25 15:09:39

Narysx - Rašo tik Naio avataras, bet jo nerodo :)

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 25 21:09:47

Yra paprasčiausias reklamos kodas ir kaip padaryt kad ji paspaudus išmestu 2 puslapius? Gal padėsit kas nors?

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 25 23:09:36

Gal kas gali tarp news.php po naujiena prieš komentarus iterpti štai šita koda:

<center><iframe src='http://wiskas.lt/kazkas.php' scrolling='no' allowtransparency='true' frameborder='0' width='100' height='100'></iframe></center>

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 26 21:09:00

Dėlko niekada nesulaukiu pagalbos argi tokius sunkius klausimus ir prašymus užduodu?

Parašė tm· 2009 Rugs. 27 15:09:38

Sveikas, naujienose juk gali pats isiterpti :) lengvai :) Dėl avataro pasitikrink ar permisionai tvarkje ir pabandyk atnaujinti userinfo :)

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 27 21:09:49

Jo ačiu labai padėjai :D Kiek kartu kartoju, jei mokėčiau nepprašyčiau čia jūsų padėt

Redagavo gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 27 21:09:17

Parašė Narysx· 2009 Rugs. 27 21:09:59

openside ("Šaukyklos Top 10");

$result=dbquery("SELECT user_name, user_avatar, user_location, user_icq, user_id, count(user_id) AS shout_count FROM ".$db_prefix."shoutbox INNER JOIN
".$db_prefix."users ON shout_name=user_id GROUP BY user_name ORDER BY shout_count DESC LIMIT 0,10");

echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
echo "<tr><td class='small2' align='left'> <img src='http://wiskas.lt/images/bullet.gif' </a> <a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=$data[user_id]' class='side'>";
echo "<img border='0' alt='".$locale['on106']."' title='".$locale['on106']."' src='".BASEDIR."images/avatars/".$data['user_avatar']."'></a></td><td class='small2' align='right'>[$data[shout_count]]</td></tr>";

echo "</table>";


Pinigus į priekį...

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 27 22:09:54

Pamiršai sumažint avatarus:)

Redagavo gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 27 22:09:34

Parašė Narysx· 2009 Rugs. 27 22:09:54

Nemoki pats? :|

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 27 22:09:19

Nemoku nes neturiu nei vieno paviždžio. Man reikia viena šita panele normalei susitvarkyt tada pasikeisiu visas kitas

Parašė Tomcis· 2009 Rugs. 27 22:09:06

Va kodas, paryškinau kur keist.
openside ("Šaukyklos Top 10");

$result=dbquery("SELECT user_name, user_avatar, user_location, user_icq, user_id, count(user_id) AS shout_count FROM ".$db_prefix."shoutbox INNER JOIN
".$db_prefix."users ON shout_name=user_id GROUP BY user_name ORDER BY shout_count DESC LIMIT 0,10");

echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
echo "<tr><td class='small2' align='left'> <img src='http://wiskas.lt/images/bullet.gif' </a> <a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=$data[user_id]' class='side'>";
echo "<img border='0' alt='".$locale['on106']."' title='".$locale['on106']."' src='".BASEDIR."images/avatars/".$data['user_avatar']."' width='30' height='30'></a></td><td class='small2' align='right'>[$data[shout_count]]</td></tr>";

echo "</table>";


Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 27 22:09:51

iFack - Dėkui, duot +7? Nes + 10 Neleidžia

Redagavo gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 27 22:09:27

Parašė Tomcis· 2009 Rugs. 27 22:09:30

NE nieko nereik

Parašė Narysx· 2009 Rugs. 27 22:09:23

O man tj nepasiūlė +... :D

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 27 22:09:20

Na duosiu ir tau jei padėsit dar viena dalyka toj pačioj panelėj dar reikia padaryt jei neturi avataro kad ir paveiksliuka roditu na supratot :)

Narysx - Beto ir tau tik 7 leidžia duot?

Redagavo gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 27 22:09:10

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Rugs. 28 20:09:55

Na gal pabaiksit padėt?

Parašė djvista· 2009 Rugs. 30 21:09:31

seip geras saitas gintuli ;)

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Lap. 24 17:11:16

Reikia sutvarkyt iš tokio:

Į tokį:

Panėlės kodas:

| PHP-Fusion 6 Content Management System
| Copyright © 2002 - 2006 Nick Jones
| http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/
| Released under the terms & conditions of v2 of the
| GNU General Public License. For details refer to
| the included gpl.txt file or visit http://gnu.org
| Shoutbox 5.00 - Modded by Shedrock/Xandra 2007
if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) { header("Location: ../../index.php"); exit; }

if (file_exists(INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/locale/".$settings['locale'].".php")) {
   include INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/locale/".$settings['locale'].".php";
} else { include INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/locale/English.php"; }

require_once INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/parser.php";
require_once INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/functions.php";

* Set minimum and maximum shouts you want displayed on each level
* and color of the boxover tips used for user info.

$min = 6;   // minimum visible shouts in first level.
$max = 1;   // maximum number of shouts in second level (hidden).
$textcolor = "#244A60";   // sets miscellaneous text in the boxover tips.


echo "<script type='text/javascript'>
var basedir = '".BASEDIR."';
var fusion_self = '".FUSION_SELF."';
var aid = '".(iADMIN ? substr($aidlink, 5) : "")."';
var admin = '".ADMIN."shoutbox.php';
var pageURL = '".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/post.php';
var altSubmit = '".FUSION_SELF.(FUSION_QUERY ? "?".FUSION_QUERY : "")."';
var waitText = '<div align=\"center\" style=\"padding-top: 81px; padding-bottom: 81px; font-weight: bold;\">".$locale['fb_044']." <img src=\"".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/loading.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"".$locale['fb_044']."\"></ div>';
setTimeout(\"shoutbox_refresh()\", 1000);
<script type='text/javascript' src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/functions.js'></script>";

$sb_action = isset($sb_action) ? stripinput($sb_action) : "";

switch($sb_action) {

   case "delete":
      if (isNum($shout_id) && checkrights("S") && $aid == iAUTH) {
         $result = dbquery("DELETE FROM ".$db_prefix."shoutbox WHERE shout_id='$shout_id'");

   case "ban":
      $aid = stripinput($aid);
      $user_id = isNum($uid) ? $uid : 0;
      if (!empty($user_id) && $user_id != 1 && checkrights("S") && $aid == iAUTH) {
         $result = dbquery("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."users SET user_status='1'
            WHERE user_id='$user_id' AND user_id!='".$userdata['user_id']."' AND user_level!='103'"

   case "unban":
      $aid = stripinput($aid);
      $user_id = isNum($uid) ? $uid : 0;
      if (!empty($user_id) && $user_id != 1 && checkrights("S") && $aid == iAUTH) {
         $result = dbquery("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."users SET user_status='0' WHERE user_id='$user_id'");


if (iMEMBER || $settings['guestposts'] == "1") {
   if (isset($_POST['shout_message'])) {
      $flood = false;
      if (iMEMBER) { $shout_name = $userdata['user_id']; }
      elseif ($settings['guestposts'] == "1") {
         $shout_name = trim(stripinput($_POST['shout_name']));
         $shout_name = preg_replace("(^[0-9]*)", "", $shout_name);
         if (isNum($shout_name)) { $shout_name = ""; }
      $shout_message = str_replace("\n", " ", $_POST['shout_message']);
      $shout_message = preg_replace("/^(.{200}).*$/", "$1", $shout_message);
      $shout_message = preg_replace("/([^\s]{45})/", "$1\n", $shout_message);
      $shout_message = trim(stripinput(censorwords($shout_message)));
      $shout_message = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $shout_message);

      // Added by Yuras. Scan for links in the shout. If there is, replace it with [URL]

      $i = 0; $ShoutNew = "";
      $ShoutArray = explode(" ",$shout_message);
      foreach($ShoutArray as $ShoutPart) {
         $ShoutPart =    str_replace("<br>", "", $ShoutPart);
         if (eregi("http:\/\/", $ShoutPart)) {
            // fix for users adding text to the beginning of links: HACKhttp://www.website.com
            $ShoutPartL = strtolower($ShoutPart);
            $spot = strpos($ShoutPartL,"http://");
            if ($spot > 0) { $ShoutPart = substr($ShoutPart, $spot); }
            $ShoutNew[$i] = "&#91;<a target='_blank' href='$ShoutPart'><b>Nuoroda!</b></a>&#93;";
         } elseif (eregi("ftp:\/\/", $ShoutPart)) {
            $ShoutPartL = strtolower($ShoutPart);
            $spot = strpos($ShoutPartL,"ftp://");
            if ($spot > 0) { $ShoutPart = substr($ShoutPart, $spot); }
            $ShoutNew[$i] = "&#91;<a target='_blank' href='$ShoutPart'>FTP</a>&#93;";
         } elseif (eregi("irc:\/\/", $ShoutPart)) {
            $ShoutPartL = strtolower($ShoutPart);
            $spot = strpos($ShoutPartL,"irc://");
            if ($spot > 0) { $ShoutPart = substr($ShoutPart, $spot); }
            $ShoutNew[$i] = "&#91;<a href='$ShoutPart'>IRC</a>&#93;";
         } elseif (eregi("teamspeak:\/\/", $ShoutPart)) {
            $ShoutPartL = strtolower($ShoutPart);
            $spot = strpos($ShoutPartL,"teamspeak://");
            if ($spot > 0) { $ShoutPart = substr($ShoutPart, $spot); }
            $ShoutNew[$i] = "&#91;<a href='$ShoutPart'>TeamSpeak</a>&#93;";
         } elseif (eregi("aim:goim", $ShoutPart)) {
            $ShoutPartL = strtolower($ShoutPart);
            $spot = strpos($ShoutPartL,"aim:goim");
            if ($spot > 0) { $ShoutPart = substr($ShoutPart, $spot); }
            $ShoutNew[$i] = "&#91;<a href='$ShoutPart'>AIM</a>&#93;";
         } elseif (eregi("gopher:\/\/", $ShoutPart)) {
            $ShoutPartL = strtolower($ShoutPart);
            $spot = strpos($ShoutPartL,"gopher://");
            if ($spot > 0) { $ShoutPart = substr($ShoutPart, $spot); }
            $ShoutNew[$i] = "&#91;<a href='$ShoutPart'>Gopher</a>&#93;";
         } elseif (eregi("mailto:", $ShoutPart)) {
            $ShoutPartL = strtolower($ShoutPart);
            $spot = strpos($ShoutPartL,"mailto:");
            if ($spot > 0) { $ShoutPart = substr($ShoutPart, $spot); }
            $ShoutNew[$i] = "&#91;<a href='$ShoutPart'>E-Mail</a>&#93;";
         } elseif (eregi("www\.", $ShoutPart)) {
            $ShoutPartL = strtolower($ShoutPart);
            $spot = strpos($ShoutPartL,"www.");
            if ($spot > 0) { $ShoutPart = substr($ShoutPart, $spot); }
            $ShoutPart = "http://" . $ShoutPart;
            $ShoutNew[$i] = "&#91;<a target='_blank' href='$ShoutPart'>Nuoroda</a>&#93;";
         } elseif ((eregi("\.com", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.net", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.org", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.mil", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.gov", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.info", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.us", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.biz", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.tv", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.cc", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.ws", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.name", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.pro", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.co\.uk", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.ca", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.de", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.jp", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.ro", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.be", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.fm", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.ms", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.tc", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.co\.za", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.co\.nz", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.ph", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.dk", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.st", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.ac", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.gs", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.vg", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.sh", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.kz", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.as", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.lt", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.to", $ShoutPart)) OR (eregi("\.co\.il", $ShoutPart))) {
            $ShoutPart = "http://" . $ShoutPart;
            $ShoutNew[$i] = "&#91;<a target='_blank' href='$ShoutPart'>Nuoroda</a>&#93;";
         } elseif (strlen($ShoutPart) > 45) {
            $ShoutNew[$i] = wordwrap($ShoutPart, 45, " ", 1);
         } else { $ShoutNew[$i] = $ShoutPart; }
      $shout_message = implode(" ",$ShoutNew);
      // End

      if ($shout_name != "" && $shout_message != "") {
         $result = dbquery("SELECT MAX(shout_datestamp) AS last_shout FROM ".$db_prefix."shoutbox WHERE shout_ip='".USER_IP."'");
         if (!iSUPERADMIN && dbrows($result) != 0) {
            $data = dbarray($result);
            if ((time() - $data['last_shout']) < $settings['flood_interval']) {
               $flood = true;
               $result = dbquery("INSERT INTO ".$db_prefix."flood_control (flood_ip, flood_timestamp) VALUES ('".USER_IP."', '".time()."')");
               if (dbcount("(flood_ip)", "flood_control", "flood_ip='".USER_IP."'") > 4) {
                  if (iMEMBER) {
                     $result = dbquery("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."users SET user_status='1' WHERE user_id='".$userdata['user_id']."'");
         if (!$flood) {
            $result = dbquery("INSERT INTO ".$db_prefix."shoutbox (shout_name, shout_message, shout_datestamp, shout_ip)
               VALUES ('$shout_name', '$shout_message', '".time()."', '".USER_IP."')"
      fallback(FUSION_SELF.(FUSION_QUERY ? "?".FUSION_QUERY : ""));
   echo "<div id='sb_form_and_display'>
<div id='sb_form'>
<form name='shoutform' method='post' action='javascript:void(0)'>
<div align='center'>".$locale['fb_001']." <input type='text' name='commentlen' value='200' maxlength='3' size='3' style='margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:2px; text-align:center;' class='textbox' readonly></div>
<table align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
<td colspan='2'>\n";
   if (iGUEST) {
      echo $locale['121']."<br>
<input type='text' name='shout_name' value='' maxlength='30' style='width:140px;' class='textbox'><br>".$locale['122']."<br>\n";
   echo "<center><textarea id='shout_message' name='shout_message' onKeyDown=\"textCounter(this.form.shout_message, this.form.commentlen, 200);\" onKeyUp=\"textCounter(this.form.shout_message, this.form.commentlen, 200);\" onFocus=\"textCounter(this.form.shout_message, this.form.commentlen, 200);\" rows='4' style='margin-bottom:-5px; width:140px;' class='textbox'></textarea></center>
<td align='center'>
<input type='button' name='post_shout'  onclick=\"sendData('shout', ''); return false\" value='".$locale['123']."' title='".$locale['fb_002']."' style='margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px;' class='button'>&nbsp; <input type='button' name='post_shout'  onclick=\"sendData('shout', ''); return false\" value='Atnaujinti' title='Atnaujinti' style='margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px;' class='button'>
<div style='margin-top:-5px; margin-bottom:-1px;' align='center' class='tbl2'>
<a onClick=\"return overlay(this, 'shout_smiley', 'rightbottom')\" style='text-decoration:none; cursor: pointer; font-size:9px; font-weight:normal;'>".$locale['fb_003']."</a> |
<div id='shout_smiley' align='center' style='background-image:url(".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/sb_bg.gif); position:absolute; display:none; border: 1px solid black; width: 200px; height: auto;' class='tbl1'>
".displaysmileys("shout_message", "shout_smiley", "shoutform")."
<a href=\"javascript:fuzetext('shout_message','','');\" style='text-decoration:none; font-size:9px; font-weight:normal;'>".$locale['fb_004']."</a> |
<a onClick=\"return overlay(this, 'shout_palette', 'rightbottom')\" style='text-decoration:none; cursor: pointer; font-size:9px; font-weight:normal;'>".$locale['fb_005']."</a> |
<div id='shout_palette' align='center' style='background-image:url(".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/sb_bg.gif); position:absolute; display:none; border: 1px solid black; width: auto; height: auto;' class='tbl1'>";
colorPalette("v", IMAGES, 10, 7);
echo "</div>
<span style='cursor:default; font-size:9px; font-weight:normal; text-decoration: none;' title=\"header=[<img src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/info.gif' style='vertical-align: middle;'> ".$locale['fb_016']."] body=[".phpentities($locale['fb_017'])."] delay=[0] fade=[on]\">".$locale['fb_018']."</span><br />
</div><br />\n";

} else {
   echo "<center>".$locale['125']."</center><br>\n";
echo "<div id='sb_display'>";
$shout_counter = 0;
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."shoutbox LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."users
   ON shout_name=user_id ORDER BY shout_datestamp DESC LIMIT ".($min + $max)
$numrows = dbrows($result);
if ($numrows != 0) {
   $i = 0;
   while ($data = dbarray($result)) {

* Begin show more feature.

      if ($shout_counter == $min) {
         echo "";

* End show more feature.

* Modded for user ban display names, send private message and member homepage.

      if (iMEMBER) {
         if ($data['user_id'] == $userdata['user_id']) {
            echo "<img alt='' src='".THEME."images/bullet.gif'> ";
         } elseif ($data['user_status'] != 1) {
            if (!isset($data['user_id']) || $data['user_id'] != $userdata['user_id']) {
               echo "<span class='shoutboxname'><a onClick=\"fuzetext('shout_message','@".(isset($data['user_name']) ? $data['user_name'] : $data['shout_name']).": - ','');\" style='cursor:pointer;'><img src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/amp.png' title=\"header=[<img src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/info.gif' style='vertical-align: middle;'> ".$locale['fb_006']."] body=[".phpentities($locale['fb_034'])."] delay=[0] fade=[on]\" alt='' border='0'></a></span> ";
            if (isset($data['user_id']) && $data['user_id'] != $userdata['user_id']) {
               echo "<a href='".BASEDIR."messages.php?msg_send=".$data['user_id']."'><img src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/pm.png' title=\"header=[<img src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/info.gif' style='vertical-align: middle;'> ".$locale['fb_007']."] body=[".phpentities($locale['fb_035'])."] delay=[0] fade=[on]\" alt='' border='0'></a> ";
            if ($data['user_web']) {
               if (!strstr($data['user_web'], "http://")) { $urlprefix = "http://"; } else { $urlprefix = ""; }
               echo "<a href='".$urlprefix."".$data['user_web']."' target='_blank'><img alt='' src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/w3.png' title=\"header=[<img src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/info.gif' style='vertical-align: middle;'> ".$locale['fb_013']."] body=[".phpentities($locale['fb_037'])."] delay=[0] fade=[on]\" border='0'></a> ";
         } elseif ($data['user_status'] == 1) {
            echo "<img alt='' style='vertical-align:middle;' src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/banned.png' title=\"header=[<img src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/info.gif' style='vertical-align: middle;'> ".$locale['fb_012']."] body=[".phpentities($locale['fb_038'])."] delay=[0] fade=[on]\">";
      } else {
         if ($data['user_status'] == 1) {
            echo "<img alt='' style='vertical-align:middle;' src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/banned.png' title=\"header=[<img src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/info.gif' style='vertical-align: middle;'> ".$locale['fb_012']."] body=[".phpentities($locale['fb_038'])."] delay=[0] fade=[on]\">";
         } else { echo "<img alt='' src='".THEME."images/bullet.gif'> "; }

* End ban display names.

* Modded for colored names.

      $shoutcount = dbcount("(shout_id)", "shoutbox", "shout_name='".$data['user_id']."'");
      if ($data['user_level'] == "103") { $userx = "<font color='#F75013'><b>".$data['user_name']."</b></font>"; }
      elseif ($data['user_level'] == "102") { $userx = "<font color='#008000'><b>".$data['user_name']."</b></font>"; }
      elseif ($data['user_level'] == "101") { $userx = "<font color='#3333FF'><b>".$data['user_name']."</b></font>"; }
      if ($data['user_status'] == 1) { $userx = "<font color='#A38C54'><b>".$data['user_name']."</b></font>"; }

* End color mod.

      $lastseen = time() - $data['user_lastvisit'];
      if ($lastseen < 60) {
         $lastseen = "<img src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/online.png' title=\"header=[<img src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/info.gif' style='vertical-align: middle;'> ".$locale['fb_014']."] body=[<font color='red'><b>".phpentities($data['user_name']."</b></font>, ".$locale['fb_040'])."] delay=[0] fade=[on]\" alt='' style='vertical-align: middle;'>";
      } else {
         $lastseen = "<img src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/offline.png' title=\"header=[<img src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/info.gif' style='vertical-align: middle;'> ".$locale['fb_015']."] body=[<font color='red'><b>".phpentities($data['user_name']."</b></font>, ".$locale['fb_041'])."] delay=[0] fade=[on]\" alt='' style='vertical-align: middle;'>";
      if ($data['user_status'] == 1) {
         echo "<span style='cursor:default; text-decoration: none;' title=\"header=[".$data['user_name']." - <font color='red'>".$locale['fb_033']."</font>] body=[".rawurlencode("<center><img src='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/images/banned.gif'></center></span><br><br>
<font color='$textcolor'><b>".$locale['fb_025']."</b>".$data['user_name']." - <b><font color='red'><i>".$locale['fb_026']."</i></b></font><br><br>
<font color='$textcolor'><b>".$locale['fb_027']."</b>".$locale['fb_028']."<br><br>
<b>".$locale['fb_029']."</b>".showdate("shortdate", $data['user_joined'])."<br><br>
<b>".$locale['fb_030']."</b>".showdate("shortdate", $data['user_lastvisit'])."<br><br>
<b>".$locale['fb_031']."</b>$shoutcount ".$locale['fb_032']."")."] delay=[0] fade=[on]\">
<a href='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/banned.php?shout_user=".$data['shout_name']."' onClick=\"MyWindow=window.open('".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/banned.php?shout_user=".$data['shout_name']."','shoutbox','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=240,height=250'); return false;\" class='side'>$userx</a>
</span> - <font color='red'>".$locale['fb_022']."</font>";
      } else {
         if ($data['user_name']) {
            if ($data['user_avatar'] != "") { $avatar = "<img src='".IMAGES."avatars/".$data['user_avatar']."'>"; }
            else { $avatar = "<img src='".IMAGES."noimage.gif'>"; }
            echo "<span style='cursor:default; text-decoration: none;' title=\"header=[".$data['user_name']."] body=[".rawurlencode("<center>$avatar</center></span><br><br>
<span class='$textcolor'><b>".$locale['fb_025']."</b>$userx<br><br>
<b>Vieta: </b>".$data['user_location']." <br><br>
<b>Gimimo data: </b>".$data['user_birthdate']."")."] delay=[0] fade=[on]\">
<a href='".BASEDIR."profile.php?lookup=".$data['user_id']."' class='side'>$userx</a>
         } else { echo $data['shout_name']."\n"; }
      echo "<br>\n<span class='shoutboxdate'>".showdate("shortdate", $data['shout_datestamp'])."</span>";
      if (iADMIN && checkrights("S")) {
         echo "<br>\n[<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onClick=\"sendData('edit', '".$data['shout_id']."');\" class='side'>".$locale['048']."</a> - <a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onClick=\"sendData('delete', '".$data['shout_id']."')\" class='side'>".$locale['fb_043']."</a>] ";
         if ($data['user_status'] == "1") {
            echo "[<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onClick=\"sendData('unban', '".$data['user_id']."')\" class='side'>".$locale['fb_009']."</a>]";
         } elseif ($data['user_status'] == "0" && $data['user_level'] != "103" && $data['user_id'] != $userdata['user_id']) {
echo "[<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onClick=\"sendData('ban', '".$data['user_id']."')\" class='side'>".$locale['fb_010']."</a>]";
         echo "<br><span style='font-size:8px;'>".$locale['fb_011'].$data['user_ip']."</span><br>";
      } else { echo "<br>\n"; }
      echo "<span class='shoutbox'>".parseshoutubb(parseubb(parsesmileys($data['shout_message'])))."</span><br>\n";
      if ($i != $numrows) { echo "<br>\n"; }
      $shout_counter ++;
} else { echo "<div align='left'>".$locale['127']."</div>\n"; }
if (iMEMBER){
echo "</div></div>";} else { echo "</div>"; }
if ($shout_counter > $min) { echo "</div>"; }
if (iMEMBER) {
   echo "<hr><center>
<img src='".THEME."images/bullet.gif' alt='' border='0'>&nbsp;
<a href='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/shoutbox_archive.php' class='side'>".$locale['126']."</a>&nbsp;
<img src='".THEME."images/bulletb.gif' alt='' border='0'>


Parašė gintulys· 2009 Lap. 24 23:11:41

Gal kas turi koduka kuris skaičiuotu kiek naujienos kategorije yra naujienų

Tarkim yra naujienos kategorija: http://albumai.huh.lt/news_cats.... ir kad roditu kiek šioje naujienos kategorijoje yra naujienų

Parašė gintulys· 2009 Lap. 25 19:11:16

Tai čia nemokat ar tingit?