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Forumas | Modai, įskiepiai, panelės (PHP-FUSION) | Naujų modų pristatymai |
Autorius: Enzo | Peržiūrų: 2500 ![]() |
Enzo Narys Tankas ![]() Pranešimai: 2397 Įstojęs: 2007 Lie. 30 22:07:24 | |
Kaip ir pas riomingą taip ir čia reikia pristatyt modą. Kurtas kažkokio ruso. Atrodo taip siųstis iš čia Bėda ta, kad jei nori instaliuot reikia, kad serveryje būtų zend optimizer intaliuotas. Šiaip modas iš pažiūros neblogas, kaip atskiras fusionas, tik kad žaidimus dedi, nes žaidimo aprašyma ne į straipsnius gali dėt, o į jo skyrelį, na kažkas panašau į Gal įmanoma kaip nors kitaip instaliuoti, tačiau aš nežinau, gal serverio adminų reik prašyt, kad į serverį įdiegtų Zend optimizer. Aprašymas angliškai: The base of games can be seen here. 1. the description The base of games - these are modification for php-fusion, or even the separate development for php-fusion, which adds the base of games. This base has a set of the functions (described below) for adding the different information about the game, it is file, maps, patchey and td. is very light in the use, intelligible interface on basis of php-fusion. Attention! On the hosting must compulsorily be established ZendOptimizer-3.0.0 or above. 2. the function * search on the games. * the possibility to derive all games to any letter, on the categories, over the years. * commentaries and the rating of games. * Admin panel on basis of php-fusion. * the verifying code + of avatary in the commentaries. * its own pages of rockings. * verification capacity to the presence of new version. * the mass removal of games. * the system of the beaten loads. * Prosmotr/udaleniye of all commentaries. * the load through the admin- panel of image. * users can send fayly/novosti/stat'i. * the possibility to introduce "mirrors" for the loads. * the possibility to add its pages for any game. * the possibility to include "wait 10 seconds prior to the beginning of load". * the possibility to include running off it is file to guests. * the possibility of changing the language of the base of games, independent of language php-fusion. * its panels. * possible to indicate references to the files of the following protocols: http:// ftp:// ed2k:// magnet:. * To spam protection in "to report the beaten reference". * the conclusion of all last novostey/statey/igr in the base of games. * the conclusion of the most popular games (on the rating). This script is not absolutely free. There are 2 licenses: * Free - free version, are opened the functions: * the extended search on the games. * the possibility to derive all games on the categories, over the years. * users can send fayly/novosti/stat'i. * the possibility to introduce "mirrors" for the loads. * the possibility to add its pages for any game. * the possibility to include "wait 10 seconds prior to the beginning of load". * the conclusion of all last novostey/statey/igr in the base of games. * the conclusion of the most popular games (on the rating). FCBarcelona mes que un club |
Rasmitas Narys Pulkininkas ![]() Pranešimai: 493 Įstojęs: 2006 Sau. 22 15:01:44 | |
Jo, dar sumokekit uz Gold paketa 1men - 6$ 2men - 10$ 3men - 18$ Tik tada jus suzinosite pilna versija sio kodo Gero naudojimo ... ![]() Gale viskas aisku parasyta ... |
Gugiss Narys Ekspertas ![]() Pranešimai: 3061 Įstojęs: 2008 Vas. 23 15:02:01 | |
Aš iš custom_pages.php dabar darausi žaidimus ![]() - atrask naują pasaulį |
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