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Forumas | Tinklapių talpinimas (SVETAINĖS) | Klausimai apie domenus ir hostingus |
Autorius: Poker | Peržiūrų: 4053 |
Poker Narys Terminatorius Pranešimai: 1451 Įstojęs: 2008 Sau. 28 10:01:55 | |
Disk space 5000MB The total amount of web space per account Data transfer (Monthly) 50000MB Amount of bandwidth transfer per month Control Panel ZHCP Zymic Hosting Control Panel for easy management Number of Accounts Unlimited You can host as many websites with us as you like! FTP Access Yes Upload, rename and edit your website files with ease Advertisements No We do not put any kind of advertisements on your website Free Web Hosting - PHP and Databases PHP Ver 5.1.6 We support the latest version of PHP MySQL Databases 5 We accept a total of 5 MySQL database accounts PHPMyAdmin Ver 2.8.2 Advanced MySQL database management. Free Web Hosting - Domain Names Sub-Domains Yes A range of choices such as,, TLD Domain Yes You can use your own domain on our hosting Free TLD Domain Yes Win a free domain (e.g. Free Web Hosting - Zymic Hosting Control Panel (ZHCP) Features File Manager Yes Upload, edit, rename, and delete files instead of using FTP Statistics Webalizer Advanced statistics to show how many visitors you get Cash Prizes Yes The top 3 most popular websites every month win a cash prize! MySQL Management Yes Web based MySQL management or simply use PHPMyAdmin Free Support Yes We provide free community based support Account Settings Yes Change various settings including E-Mail, password, etc Draugus laikyk arčiau o priešus dar arčiau. |
Saul3r2 Narys Nuolatinis Pranešimai: 157 Įstojęs: 2008 Rugp. 20 18:08:07 | |
Jaučiu ilgai neišsilaikys tiek parametru duodamas kekvienam.. C(: Aš esu toks koks esu P.S. Ir tai yra tik mano nuomone. |
Poker Narys Terminatorius Pranešimai: 1451 Įstojęs: 2008 Sau. 28 10:01:55 | |
Kodel?Tie 5gb nera daug jau. Draugus laikyk arčiau o priešus dar arčiau. |
Niger Garbės narys Antras po Dievo Pranešimai: 3554 Įstojęs: 2005 Bir. 21 18:06:06 | |
Saul3r2 parašė: Jaučiu ilgai neišsilaikys tiek parametru duodamas kekvienam.. as sita hosta zinau lb lb lb ilgai tip kad dar laikosi s.k.y.p.e - pavojuz |
MaFetas Administratorius Ekspertas Pranešimai: 3453 Įstojęs: 2005 Lie. 16 13:07:41 | |
Reiks užsiregistruot gal pravers Adminas - ban'o laisvė |
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