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Forumas | Tinklapių talpinimas (SVETAINĖS) | Jūsų saitai |
Autorius: GameIn | Peržiūrų: 1317 |
GameIn Narys Žalias Pranešimai: 11 Įstojęs: 2010 Rugp. 28 00:08:57 | |
Rates: XP: 35x SP: 25x Adena drop: 35x Item drop: 25x Spoil: 25x Quest drop: 5x Quest reward: 1-2x Party XP rate: 1x Party SP rate: 1x Enchant: 66% max 16 More features: Class manager. Can change your character's occupation without quest. Buffer. Newbie buffer 1lvl - 80lvl Multi-shop (GmShop). You can buy all items untill B grade. Auto skill learn. All your profesion skills learning auto. Auto event. TVT, LastHero, Capture the base. Dance/Song skills. Duration time 2 minutes. Olimpiad. Hero change 1st and 15 day of month. Updates. All weak server get new updates. Up-time. 24/7 stable online. Lag-free. Best abroud internet connection in LT and good internet speed for Lithuanian users. Geodata. Best L][Interlude geodata buy from STAZIS. Raidboss. All working Interlude raidbosses (Frintezza, Ice queen...). Engraver. Npc helps security items. Server commands: .offline - start offline shop. .stat - target player and you can see player statistics. .deposite - convert 500kk adena's to 1 gold bar. .withdraw - convert 1gold bar to 500kk adena's. .pvp1 - teleport to Giran arena. .pvp2 - teleport to Gludio arena. .buff - open buffer html. More info: Cheet security: We use best security scripts, it stops phx, hlapex, cp clikers and more... Login security: If you type 5 times wrong pasword for login to server you get 15 minutes ban. E-mail: |
FanatiC Narys Ekspertas Pranešimai: 3296 Įstojęs: 2008 Gru. 11 20:12:05 | |
Pirma tai servas ne tavo kiek žinau. Antra kiek lošia? |
GameIn Narys Žalias Pranešimai: 11 Įstojęs: 2010 Rugp. 28 00:08:57 | |
FanatiC parašė: Pirma tai servas ne tavo kiek žinau. Antra kiek lošia? Serveris dar testuojamas, online bus kažkur rugsėjo viduryje. |
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