2005 kovo 26 00:03:00
E-Cart for php-fusion 5.01 is based on MyCart by
The following is a description of the system in its original form.
MyCart is a collection of PHP scripts that setup the backbone of a dynamic shopping cart system.
The layout is purposefully basic so that layout modification is very quick and simple.
To the best of our knowledge, MyCart was the first Open Source shopping cart available for PHP. It was initially developed as a way to overcome the speed problems that hinder perl/CGI performance on web sites.
We are slowly developing an update to MyCart that is designed to be competitive with high-end commercial software. Our latest estimates are that the release will be in December or January, although we aren't going to sacrifice quality to get a sooner release date.
Current Version: 2.0
Revision Date: 1999-10-27
Requirements: PHP3, MySQL 3.22.x
In this release many things have changed but credit where credit is due the MyCart system is and allways has been a great starting point for any cart script.
This is an infusion with no built in panels so simply drop the complete e_cart directory into your infusions folder and go to admin to install.
You must ensure that the e_cart\images\items is chmodd 0777 inorder to make use of the item image upload.
No images will not effect the system working but they do look better.
Once installed go to the infusion administration panel and update the settings to suit your self.
Thats it start adding categories and items to your cart.
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