PHPFusion - tai laisvai platinama nemokama turinio valdymo sistema (TVS), kurios pagalba galite greitai, lengvai ir
patogiai susikurti norimą internetinį puslapį. Plačiau apie sistemą...
Jaunelis 2024 Lie. 25 11:07:43 Oho vis dar veikia svetainė Šimtas metų, matau Šaukykloje nuostalgija. Smagu panaršyt po forumą ir pažiūrėt senas temas
And2s 2024 Lie. 17 19:07:04 2008 pirmą kart čia patekau, man buvo 10m ir čia pramokau programavimo.. smagu skaityti senas žinutes, tokia nostalgija ačiū Ozz kad saugoji šitą kultūrinį reliktą
ozzWANTED 2024 Sau. 17 01:01:00 Desperatiškus komentarus šaukykloje su accountu po mėnesio prasibuvimo, ištryniau. Pasaulis ir taip juodas. Įjungiam šviesą, prašviesės.
Sveiki, jau trečią kartą meginu užregistruoti projektą į googlę adsensę, nu ir niekaip man nesigauna, užregistruoju ir po valandos maždaug gaunu tokią žinutę į el.paštą;
Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. Unfortunately, after
reviewing your application, we're unable to accept you into AdSense at
this time.
We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below.
- Account information incorrect or not provided
Further detail:
Account information incorrect or not provided: We've found that the
account information provided in your application is incomplete or
incorrect. Business applications are required to include a company name in
the 'Payee Name' field of the application form, in addition to a contact
name in the 'Contact Name' field. Individual applications require the full
name of the individual responsible for the account in the 'Payee Name'
You can find more details and application tips at <a href='' target='_blank'><span style='color:005C5B'></span></a>
To update and resubmit your application, please visit <a href='' target='_blank'><span style='color:005C5B'></span></a> and sign in using the email address and
password you submitted with your application. Our specialists will review
your account for compliance with our program policies, so please make sure
to resolve all of the issues listed above before resubmitting.
For a complete list of AdSense criteria, please visit: <a href='' target='_blank'><span style='color:005C5B'></span></a> <a href='' target='_blank'><span style='color:005C5B'></span></a>
For more information, visit our Help Center: <a href='' target='_blank'><span style='color:005C5B'></span></a> or search the AdSense Help Forum,
where a community of publishers shares AdSense best practices: <a href='' target='_blank'><span style='color:005C5B'></span></a> . Representatives of
Google AdSense also participate in discussions.
The Google AdSense Team
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