Reklama 400x60
Pasirodė trys naujos themos
2005 rugsėjo 8 19:09:43
Please note that before you download ANY theme from PHP-Fusion Themes, you make sure understand that you are accepting the Terms and Conditions stated herein.
What are our Policies?
Please note that at any time PHP-Fusion Themes can change, delete, remove, and or edit any theme and its contents that we sell without any notice whatsoever. Also note that ALL themes purchased from PHP-Fusion Themes are done so at your own risk and we will not be held responsible for any damage caused to your CMS (Content Management System), or your database. We strongly urge you to BACKUP your database before installing any of our themes. This practice should also be carried out on any changes being made to your system besides installing one of our themes.
Use & Distribution
Although we firmly support the Open Source Movement, lorkan theme packs are not an Open Source Project and therefore licenses such as the GPL only apply to files/code that is marked as such. As we have had great problems working on a goodwill basis alone, all the lorkan theme packs are covered by the below license. Copies of this license are included in each and every distribution file, but we reserve the right to amend the terms at any time. As the terms on this page take precedence over any other copy, you are advised to check this license on this page regularly to be sure that you are complying with our terms.
Lorkan theme packs Software and Images License
Use of the files from lorkan theme packs indicates that you understand the terms and conditions of this license and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this license. The files included in lorkan theme packs may be used but may NOT be redistributed freely, whether wholly or in part, under the following terms and conditions: 1. All credit, copyright, and license notices internal to the files, including image files, must be left intact and unchanged. Files or portions of files licensed by third parties remain subject to the terms and conditions of that license. Author names and Credit links MUST REMAIN in the credit line footer of all PHP-Fusion generated pages.
Additional Copyrights by Template Authors apply
1. All credit and copyright notices output to a web browser must be left intact and unchanged. Individual users are requested to leave all credit and copyright notices output to a web browser intact and unchanged in content; stylistic changes that do not impair notice legibility are acceptable. Individual users who elect to remove or make illegible credit and copyright notices output to a web browser waive the opportunity to request support.
2. All internal documentation, including but not limited to usage notes, technical notes, and revision history, must be left intact and unchanged unless otherwise stated.
3. Support for modified files or portions of files from lorkan theme packs is the responsibility of the party making the modification, regardless of the nature of the modification.
4. Any and all redistribution of any lorkan theme packs or information with complete stand-alone applications is forbidden without prior written permission.
5. Any and all redistribution of any lorkan theme packs or information with or as a collection of any kind is forbidden without prior written permission.
Can I remove the Copyright Notice on my theme?
The simple answer is No. Please have a look at the following:
Graphic images are our creation in all of our themes. Therefore it is the sole property of PHP-Fusion Themes.
You shall not: Edit, Modify, Add, Create, Delete, Remove, Darken, Lighten, Crop, Stretch, Shrink or Distribute any of our themes unless exclusive permission has been granted from PHP-Fusion Themes.
Under no circumstances are our themes to be distributed freely without written consent from PHP-Fusion Themes.
The Logo's and Trademarks contained in any of our Theme Packs are to be left in tact and shall not be tampered with unless written permission has been granted by PHP-Fusion Themes or any person associated directly with the creation of any theme designed by PHP-Fusion Themes.
Failing to abide by the above will result in "No Support" for your purchased or FREE downloaded theme(s).
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