Reklama 400x60
v7.02.07 atnaujinimas
Creatium 2013 birželio 19 12:06:10
Ką tik buvo išleistas v7.02.07 atnaujinimas PHP-Fusion sistemai. Nepaisant to, kad v7.02.06 jau turėjo būti paskutinis leidimas, šis atnaujinimas daromas pastebėjus keletą kritinių klaidų esamoje sistemoje. Todėl labai rekomenduojame visiems PHP-Fusion naudotojams atsinaujinti savo sistemas į šią, naujausią, versiją.
PHP-Fusion v7.02.07 (pilna komplektacija)
PHP-Fusion v7.02.07 (atnaujinimas)
Pataisymai:v7.02.07 Ištaisytos klaidos:[-] BRANDUOLYS: Fixed a potential security issue which could lead to file inclusion and arbitrary code execution given the "right" circumstances[-] BRANDUOLYS: Fixed a panel restriction bug[-] FORUMAS: Fixed SQL injection[-] FORUMAS: Fixed Reflected XSS vulnerability[-] FORUMAS: Fixed a bug where signature state couldn't be changed after a post[-] FORUMAS: Fixed a bug where after deleting a user due to insufficient clean up several areas of the forum would display wrong or incomplete information[-] INCLUDES: Fixed RCE and CSRF vulnerabilites[-] ADMINISTRAVIMAS: Fixed a potential security issue which could lead to file inclusion and arbitrary code execution given the "right" circumstances[-] ADMINISTRAVIMAS: Fixed several SQL injections[-] ADMINISTRAVIMAS: Fixed a bug which could lead to arbitrary file deletition[-] ADMINISTRAVIMAS: Fixed several Reflected XSS vulnerabilities[-] NARIAMS: Fixed bug #1366 - HTTPS schema bug in user's site address[-] NARIAMS: Fixed bug #1360 - avatar images resizing bug[-] PAGR. PUSLAPIS: Fixed Reflected XSS vulnerability[*] FAILAI: The minor file check tool we've made is an ongoing work, we have alot of files in the system that are orphan files. So we designed this one to start the general cleaning process.Papildymai/pakeitimai:[*] ADMINISTRAVIMAS: Strengthened temporary backup file name while creating a backup up[*] FORUMAS: Improved "Edit reason" animation responsiveness
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